Happy Penguin Fun Time! (Roleplay)


I'm off to work!
*pops out from a pile of dead clubbed seals*

"Hey guys. I passed out, hammered drunk, earlier. Soup?"

*waddles on over to the rest of the group*
*eats the entire whale*

Wow, that was filling. Imma sleep now. *clonks on the ground*
Gender: Male
Feather Color: Scruffy grey
Weight: 30kg
Height: 120cm
Favorite Food: Halflings' Leaf
Personality: Grumpy. Fond of walking sticks and hobbits.
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Gender: Female
Feather Color: Mint green with a pastel pink belly
Weight: 18 lbs
Height: 2ft
Favorite Food: Glitter and macaroons
Personality: Snarky and sarcastic, but highly caring of those close to her.
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Gender: Female
Feather Color: Mint green with a pastel pink belly
Weight: 18 lbs
Height: 2ft
Favorite Food: Glitter and macaroons
Personality: Snarky and sarcastic, but highly caring of those close to her.

the correct term is salty <3


Gender: Male
Feather Color: black and white
Weight: 50kg
Height: 75cm
Favorite Food: fish
Personality: quiet - likes long walks on the iceberg
I yawn, waving my flippers as I exit my igloo. "Goooooood MOOORRRNNIIIIIIINNNNGGGGG!" I shriek, my voice echoing through the Colony. "RISE AND SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINEEEEE!" My light pink feathers ruffle in the wind.
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*pokes head out from behind a snow pile*

"It's too early fo this sh!t."

*goes back to bed*
I yawn, waving my flippers as I exit my igloo. "Goooooood MOOORRRNNIIIIIIINNNNGGGGG!" I shriek, my voice echoing through the Colony. "RISE AND SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINEEEEE!" My light pink feathers ruffle in the wind.


I go back to bed.