Penguins! <3
Gender: female
Feather Color: mint
Weight: idk normal
Height: norms
Favorite Food: stir fry
Personality: pretty sweet
The Penguin Colony bursts into song and dance as Syd joins the colony.
Gender: female
Feather Color: mint
Weight: idk normal
Height: norms
Favorite Food: stir fry
Personality: pretty sweet
Cory, you're not a player in this Roleplay. You have already been asked to stop posting, so stop. Post again and you may find yourself with an infraction.
Gender: Female
Feather Color: Mint green with a pastel pink belly
Weight: 18 lbs
Height: 2ft
Favorite Food: Glitter and macaroons
Personality: Snarky and sarcastic, but highly caring of those close to her.
I yawn, waving my flippers as I exit my igloo. "Goooooood MOOORRRNNIIIIIIINNNNGGGGG!" I shriek, my voice echoing through the Colony. "RISE AND SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINEEEEE!" My light pink feathers ruffle in the wind.