Happy Penguin Fun Time! (Roleplay)

"Oh yeah, I got some chai!"
"And Lauren, you heard right! Get over to my igloo!"

I slide to my home, signalling them to follow.
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Gender: Female
Feather Color: Black and Purple.
Weight: 30 lbs
Height: 3ft
Favorite Food: Shrimp
Personality: nice, but a little rash and fast-paced. also a bit childish. has a big temper, however

No Penguin Picture, but welcome to the Colony. Party at the igloos!
I suddenly rise and stand up. "whERE'S THE FOOD!??!?" I screech half unconscious and walking into snow heaps
"FOOD'S AT MY PLACE, BE THERE OR BE SQUARE!" I scream. I fling open the door of my igloo, and start whipping up some food.
I trip and fall plunging into a snow heap. "oh there it is!" I said as I slid quickly on my belly to the entrance of the igloo
"FOOD'S AT MY PLACE, BE THERE OR BE SQUARE!" I scream. I fling open the door of my igloo, and start whipping up some food.

Lunatic snoops around... Your igloo is... Quite small. And it kind of stinks

But it's homey I'll give you that
"Damn right, it's homey! The smell is because of my little gas issue... heh..."

I lay out the food on my large ice table. "Dig in!" I grab a handful of dumplings and devour them ravenously.
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Decides to eats the dumplings...only the dumplings...nothing else...only the dumplings....ALL THE DUMPLINGS!
I sit back in my chair, stuffed. I moan in satisfaction, and release a loud and long belch, which shakes the dinner table.
Lunatic asks Nekosync if she has honey mustard sauce "I CANT EAT CHICKEN TENDERS WITHOUT HONEY MUSTARD SAUCE"
Unable to speak due to immense gas, I deftly belch out the words: "On the left of the table." The odour of the room thickens. I burp out the words: "Sorry.". Gas isn't a problem as long as I get my food!
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Unable to speak due to immense gas, I deftly belch out the words: "On the left of the table." The odour of the room thickens.

Ah... she barely utters out the words "thank you", as Lunatic finds it hard to be kind.
"I'm crashing this place!" I roll into the small igloo and get stuck, about a second later I am free. "I smell food..where is it?"
I wave my flipper to fan away the smell of my gas. "Sorry, guys!" I chuckle. "It runs in the family."
on the table was a large block of ice, "oops! I forgot the dessert!" The half eaten table started to crumble.