Giveaway Harmonia's Monthly Giveaway! {Month 2 - OPEN!}

1 entry and now a story: "Coffee"
(imagine Morgan Freeman is telling the story. But this really happened to me.) I was walking and then running. VROOM like a CHEE-TAHHHH! Mmhmm you heard me right. But anyway, I went to get some coffee. YO COFFEE U DA MAN! and I know what you're thinking "what if the coffee's a girl?" Then I'll be like: U DA wo-MAN! Enough of that but I started to trip so I get in and grab some takeout. (You know who else likes takeout coffee? MY MOM! Anyway...) I had my coffee so I take a sip, I run and trip and (imagine this in slow motion) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! MY COFFEEEEEEEEEEEEE! HDSXHJAHDJZN. (back to normal speed) KERSPLAT! Coffee was eerywhere! My friend started laughing so I ended the multiplayer thing aka kicking his little tush outa dere! (I did the best funny moment I could. There's no such thing as falling in the toilet in AC:NL... so yeah. There's a needed improvement. XD )