Giveaway Harmonia's Monthly Giveaway! {Month 2 - OPEN!}

I'm completely new to the Bell Tree Forums as you probably can tell from my nonexistent avatar. However I'd still love to enter this competition! Also I would like to make some artwork of your villagers, but I don't know which villagers you have, and how I should send you the art when I'm done.
Story Time: I have Frita the Sheep in my town. She's my third favorite villager, and she seems to be addicted to fossils. She's always in the prehistoric section, and she keeps asking me to find fossils and to give them to her so she can investigate their unique beauty. Flash forward a few months and I got Tomodachi Life. I added all my villagers, since I didn't know who else to add. And all my Frita Mii wants to talk about is...fossils and dinos. Her rooms has dinosaurs, and she's dressed like one. I even composed a song for her all about T. Rexs. Basically, Frita and My Frita Mii think perfectly alike.

Kind of mix between ACNL and Tomodachi Life stories, so I guess you can count this story for one entry...