Can I please enter? Here and exoerience I had (It's in WW so I'm not sure it counts, so if it doesn't just use the bit where I said I'll enter c:
In ACWW the first villager I ever spoke to was a mouse called Rod. We quickly became awesome friends! One day I saw his house and he was in boxes. I tried my best to convince him to stay but he didn't. He left. I was so sad that I kept his goodbye letter, planted flowers where his house was and read it there every night. I remember one day, Rod moved back in! I was so happy! And I think he remembered me too! (Or it was my young self going nuts XD). We immediately picked up from where we left off and I treasured having him more than ever!! Sadly, after I stopped playing, he moved again. He never came back in after that. I'm glad to be reunited with him in New Leaf!!!!
Here's a funny story: I was playing in my old town and Pippy asked me to take a present to Sparro. I went on my other
character and Sparro wanted me to deliver something to Pippy!