Harvest Festival

Megamannt125 said:
AndromedaX said:
Megamannt125 said:
reedstr16 said:
Megamannt125 said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
no actualy i havnt i dont think i could do that though! lol
not really hard, but then again im a guy who can play video games with his feet too
It is pretty easy with WiiFit, but try playing Brawl with feet, oh and with Wolf.
im talking about playing games like zelda, smash bros, etc. using the GC controller and using my feet to play, not as good as i am with my hands but i can beat a level 4 cpu in brawl with my fett
wow thats good
AC Lova123 said:
Aw man nvm i cant post it up because I sent it to my Wii and I cant send it to my email anymore and I dont have an SD card >.<
ROFL I got him all the way to the beach! =D Oh and I found a blue zap mask in the ables today!!! I was so happy im gonna take a pic tomorrow and make it my avatar haha. Anyone know what the rest of the costume is? Whats the shirt called?
reedstr16 said:
Megamannt125 said:
AndromedaX said:
Megamannt125 said:
reedstr16 said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
not really hard, but then again im a guy who can play video games with his feet too
It is pretty easy with WiiFit, but try playing Brawl with feet, oh and with Wolf.
im talking about playing games like zelda, smash bros, etc. using the GC controller and using my feet to play, not as good as i am with my hands but i can beat a level 4 cpu in brawl with my fett
wow thats good
it takes practice but i can only do it on the gamecube controller (ive had it longer)
The Bell Tree should hold a event where members of the bell tree go to each others towns and give gifts on christmas
Crap. I have 18 minutes left, and I'm leaving to study. I have a pretty busy week but it has it prize AC!

Btw, here are the 19:43pm
xD of course I have no clue why I even asked >.<
Has anyone ever seen anything in the Auction yet? Ive had the game since the 3rd or 2nd day it came out and the auction has been empty the whole time o_O
Megamannt125 said:
The Bell Tree should hold a event where members of the bell tree go to each others towns and give gifts on christmas
=O OMG YES. It could be like a couple of people dress up like santa and everyone opens their gates and the santas deliver presents!!!
who the heck would want to play with their feet, unless they have to eat too...but then he'd be so concentrated playing with his feet, that he can't eat.
How much does the Harvest Furniture sell for?

In the GCN version I made a lot of money on Thanksgiving and Halloween selling all the extras I got.
Away236 said:
who the heck would want to play with their feet, unless they have to eat too...but then he'd be so concentrated playing with his feet, that he can't eat.
i enjoy doing things with my feet, because its a challenge its so easy to drink out of a cup and scratch your head with your hands, so sometimes i do things like this with my feet (yes i can scratch my head with my feet) im flexible so why not use my flexibility?
D.T. said:
How much does the Harvest Furniture sell for?

In the GCN version I made a lot of money on Thanksgiving and Halloween selling all the extras I got.
It goes from 3000 to like 5000 bells i think but yeah it really is I have so many extra Harvest Chairs I sold them all for 3,330 bells or something like that
Haha I bet all the other users reading this are still trying to read through the 13 other pages of uslessness and hentai talk xD
AndromedaX said:
Megamannt125 said:
You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor, take her away!
Attack my targets, do a barrel roll, and destroy de Death Star!! Megaman!
*during the construction of the new death star*
look mister saltine, i dont tell you how to threaten your blonde kid so why dont you just go back over to your spinning chair and let us do our job