has anyone else not uploaded a dream for their island yet?


curious ghost
Feb 11, 2014
Toy Duck Plush
Toy Duck Plush
Pink Love Potion
Bloodshot Potion
Swamp Potion
Eerie Star Potion
Purple Bat Potion
Pink Star Fragment
Red Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
When the dream update was released, I was really excited. I've had my game since launch and have decorated my island a lot (even reached 5 stars), but I still haven't uploaded a dream for my island yet. To be honest, I think the fall colors look best with my island, but I'm still holding back. Not sure what I'm waiting for tbh as I don't feel the need to be finished renovating anytime soon. Has anyone else been holding back on uploading a dream since the update?
I had uploaded it on the day it was released, hoping for some feedback, but I took it down a few days later. It was visited 11 times but only got one feedback. I put more work into my island but don’t think I’ll upload it again anytime soon since it doesn’t look good with the posters and items out that I have lying around for something I’m working on, and it is far from complete and is lacking.
I had am address a few days after the update. I have slowly updated my dream but I haven't gotten a lot of constructive feedback other than certain areas look good. However my island is mostly incomplete still. I have had 228 visitors.
I haven't been holding back per se. I designed my island for me and my villagers (i.e. in my mind, what they would like). I've slowed down on designing lately, other than trying to get my last rock in place (looking for it to be a specific shape). Quite frankly, I don't particularly care if my island is or isn't available for the general public to see. XD

I visited one dream island on the day after the new feature release. The lag and buffering was so bad -- I'm genuinely not sure if it was because of the island, server overload due to the potential of a ton of players playing around with the new feature, or my Internet connection. :/ I haven't tried dreaming again since then.
I haven't.... my island is a hot mess.

I'm actually trying to get things in semi order to upload a summer version before I set up for fall (my island is more summer than fall themed.) The flowers and diys and half baked ideas are holding me up. I need to just focus on cleanup and finishing what I started.
I uploaded mine but I have yet to update it with the recent changes. (My dream address is in my signature.)
Not since the first day the update dropped. My island has changed quite a lot since then. I honestly don't have that much interest in showing off my island, but maybe I should update it. It would be nice to have it handy when I want to get some pointers or feedback for certain rooms/areas. :unsure:
I didn't upload one in ACNL, and I probably won't in this game either. While I love visiting other people's islands, I don't have any particular desire to share mine. It's a very personal project so I don't really need feedback on it or feel the need for others to see it, if that makes sense.
I feel like I can relate. In new leaf I never uploaded my island. I wanted to and I actually worked incredibly hard on it, but it was just never "perfect". There was always some last thing that needed to get done before I uploaded it. Then after that last thing got done I would realize there was something else I needed to do.

I think I definitely will in New Horizons. Maybe even before it's completely finished. I've been to a couple of lovely dream islands that were clearly still under construction, which was reassuring and encouraging.

Eventually I'm thinking that I'll upload the incomplete island and just send the address to a few people.

Though I had no idea that you could see total visits and feedback.
I haven't.

There's nothing wooden I've got that all y'all don't already have.

Not enough item content to be that unique.
I haven't uploaded mine, and I'm not sure if I ever will. My island isn't super fancy or anything, so I don't think people would be particularly interested in seeing it anyway
Meeeeeeee! Work has got me all kinds of busy again so I’m not on as much. I had finished areas that I thought I’d really like, but now I’m not as sure about them. I may work on that Thursday on my day off now that I’m not doing fair projects.
i haven’t! i honestly have hardly decorated my island at all - i don’t even think it’s 20% completed yet which is just,, yikes lmao. i have flowers everywhere and so many areas that i’ve tried to map out but haven’t gotten around to completing/discarded ideas that i haven’t cleaned up yet so my island,, doesn’t look all that sexy lmao.

i want to wait until my island’s completely finished before uploading a dream address + showing off anything that i have completed but at the rate i’m going,, i likely won’t have a dream address for years 😋
I haven't uploaded one yet since my island is still a mess. Would feel weird to have people walking around my island that's not just unfinished but barely even started.
I haven't yet because my island isn't close to 'done' yet. Once I'm happy with it I'd like to though, even if it ends up being a bit underwhelming compared to some very heavily landscaped and decorated islands.