I feel like I have made a few friends but I don't think either of us have really ever take an initiative to communicate regularly, like literal conversate and what not so it feels like I don't have many friends.
I’d say I’ve made a few friends on this site! I especially remember making one friend about a yer ago (who wasn’t very active to begin with, nor is active anymore ) and we got along better than the majority of my real life relationships. Since then, I’ve talked with a few people and would call them friends!
I wish I would reach out more to people, but honestly everybody here is so friendly to begin with so I feel like everybody on here is like a friend!
Making friends has always been hard for me, and so I never really try for it, forums are especially hard I find.
So no, I havent made any friends here yet. but there are a lot of nice people here that I have spoken a little to.