has anyone's game ever crashed??


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Jul 29, 2020
Tasty Cake
Yellow Star Fragment
Tasty Cake
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for the 1st time ever, my game crashed today. All i was doing was working on starting my rock garden/terraforming, and then i dug up a flower so i could transplant it and i hit a huge lag spike and then the screen went black and i got the 'error' thing from Nintendo, and then it forced me out of the game. luckily i was able to restart with no issues AND i only lost like 5 seconds of progress.

anyway, i thought this was weird. maybe it has to do with the 7million bells still lying around the island (someone donated to me, and i've been too lazy to put it in the abd) or the snow or the fact that i was on a lite?

has this happened to anyone else? if so, do you know what caused it?
Yep. I have had that happen a few times I think and my whole console froze once; still haven’t heard back from gamestop about whether or not they look at switch lites and repair.

I have no idea still what caused it to freeze in all of the instances it has happened. :/
Not that I can recall (now Skyrim on the other hand...). But I did have one time where my character entered the shop and the game zoomed in on the shop... and then just froze. And I had to restart. No clue what caused that, but it was a long time ago, and I'm guessing whatever that glitch was has been patched.

But if there are a lot of items laying around that could be an issue. I haven't heard of any issues with Lites in general, though (I only use a Lite since I had a joy-con issue with my OG Switch- not drift, something else). Maybe it was a combo of the items laying around and the snow and it just crashed? Personally, I wouldn't worry about it unless it keeps happening. I've had a few games that have crashed once or twice, then never again.

At least auto-save means you shouldn't lose too much progress, and at least there's no Resetti to scream at you. Can't tell you how many times my original game or CF crashed and I got yelled and I was just so angry because I'd already lost a ton of progress and now this jerks gonna rub it in? But anyway. I digress 😅
My game has only crashed once, I came to somebody’s island to sell turnips and the Resetti communications error was too much for my regular switch to handle and it booted me. Luckily I lost no progress, as I just got there. I don’t know what caused it.

The only other game I’ve been booted on is Minecraft when I’m playing with people who aren’t on a Switch.
Not that I remember. Though, I've had Splatoon 2 crash on a few occasions. But... I wouldn't worry about it too much, things get 'confused' every now and then with games and they'll crash because of it.

However, if it becomes more consistent/common, I'd check your game for corrupted data.
Mine's only crashed a couple of times and that's only when I was visiting other people's islands and their internet was acting up.
I think on my first Switch I had my one game, Skyrim, crash a couple of times, but so far on my new Switch it hasn’t done that. If it starts happening too much, something may be wrong with your Switch. I’m not sure what may be wrong and why it crashes with some games, but I probably wouldn’t worry too much.
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Mine would freeze and need to be restarted lot when entering a building during online play, but it was only during one particular update, thank goodness. It was so annoying.

Additionally, my game and my sister's game appear to not get along- online and local play both get us booted a lot, but only with each other. Otherwise, I've had no problems, but as you can see the game can get weird at times, and sometimes just until the next patch. If it only happened once I wouldn't worry about it too much.
Yeah. One time, at about 9:26 PM near the Able Sisters Shop, the game just froze and started making wierd noises. And not just the game...the whole switch.
No but I had to partake in a crash involuntary caused by my dumb friend. He entered my Nooks Cranny and was never seen again. So he had to force quit the game thus taking me down with him.

Then when diving was released, he purposely dived on a game-breaking bug (sea critter floating in air on his screen) and sank to Davy Jones locker. He also had to force quit and took two of us with him.

Tbh, I wouldn't be so worried about. Treat it like the blue screen where it'll happen once in awhile. If it's frequent, that's when you'll want to see what's up. There's a lot of things can cause a crash. Sometimes it's not even the players fault.
Yeah, it has happened a few times. I don’t really understand why. But I know that my Switch sounds really loud and it overheats sometimes :/
My game has never crashed, but my switch likes to blow a lot of air sometimes.
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one time the game took forever to save and I was worried it was broken, but it finally saved and was okay.