has anyone's game ever crashed??

Months ago when Flora was one of my villagers, it crashed right as I was talking to her.

Got the screen with the 'send error report' option.
thankfully, no. i’m honestly terrified of my save file getting damaged or having my data get corrupted and i feel like if my game ever did crash, i‘d be incredibly anxious over it, even if everything turned out fine lol
When I talked to Roald, my game crashed and then it made me have to reinstall the game, luckily my save was still there.
My game crashed when a friend was over my island but it wasn't a typical communication error. My joycons disconnected and then right after I got an error report and it took me to my switch home. I had to load the game up again but it skipped the Isabelle dialogue and even the animation of me exiting my house. It just teleported me to a random location near my house. It was the strangest thing. It never happened again though.
no my game has thankfully never crashed, though I suppose its less scary now that we have island backups or whatever
I have't had the game freeze or crash on me.
But my switch did stop working and had to get it repaired. I am not really sure what happened to it, they just fixed it.
I could play my games, but I would get an error message when trying to go to the Nintendo shop. So I did the trouble shooting the error code told me to. But then I couldn't do anything. I would try to do something and a new error message would pop up within 10 seconds.
Had to restart my island. You couldn't get any saved data at the time.
My game crashed once a while back, I can’t remember what I was doing but I think it was trying to load something and the game crashed. I was so nervous to turn it back on and see something about corrupted save data haha. Luckily it was totally fine and I didn’t even lose any progress.
My game never crashed, but it did take a long time to load my home when I went in. My villager entered/closed the door and the screen just stayed on the exterior of the home for like 10 seconds or something. This is one of the few games where my system is constnatly blowing hot air out of its top to the point where you can hear it from the other side of the room. And for the record, I don't have a heavily decorated or customized exterior.

The only other game that I can recall crashing quite a bit was Syrim and Witcher 3, but I feel like those have so much more going on that the freeze and lag seems more acceptable. I don't know why this game gets so bogged down.
Yes, my game crashed once when I visited a friend's island D: They had so many nmt laying around that it made my game lag for a few seconds then crash lmao. Nothing was lost, luckily.
The game has never crashed for me, though I have had a really long load time before as a result of someone dropping.
I dont really recall the game ever crashing, but i can remember it taking long to load to the point it got me worried my save broke or something. I think something similar also happened once when i went villager searching, it took longer to load than usual.
nope, my games been nice and stable overall.
there was one time i was round my brothers island and we both tried to leave town hall at the same time and it froze with an outside view, other than that though i haven't had issues.
never when not in online play. i wonder what happened to make your game crash :/

Generally, a crash is due to corrupted data. But rarely, it could be due to performance causing an issue and the game crashes to recover and prevent corrupt data... which ironically tends to corrupt data.

Though, it can also be a hardware issue. But Nintendo tends to create very solid consoles, aside from them being easily hacked and/or modded, so this issue doesn't happen often.
Thankfully no but it sounds scary and makes me glad we have the backup feature now.
It’s never crushed but it’s definitely slowed down in FPS to the put I thought it was about to freeze