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Has interest peaked?

It all depends on how you play and view it I think. I don't play much during the week (I just get on to water the flowers and run some townies errands) so on the weekends I play more and it's more fun. I'm trying to fill my catalog, finish my museum (I still can't find some September catches) and collect all my villagers pictures. I just let myself get the Prima guide (yes I know it's inaccurate a lot of the time) but it incentivises me to collect and buy more things to fill up my catalog. I'll also be starting to write more letters to my villagers and fill their houses with better furniture.
It's more that I don't have time to play anymore, what with school and stuff :(
I just bought ACNL so I'm joining the online community rather late. I don't TT and I play very casually throughout the week when I'm not working. I don't think I will be bored with it anytime soon :D
I admit, I've gotten pretty bored with NL. But I'm just the kind of person who can't sit down and focus on one thing for long (one of the main motivational factors for me dropping out of college), so it doesn't surprise me that I've gotten bored with NL. I have other games to play on my 3DS, so I just take occasional breaks and play those other games instead. When I come back to my town, I wouldn't say it feels "new" to me per se, but I usually have more weeds to pull, a cockroach or two to squish in my house, and villagers to talk out of moving. So it forces me to make new goals, basically. I agree with people who've said the game is what you make it: make lots of little goals to achieve and make yourself feel as if you're accomplishing things, and the game will stay fun for you. But let's face it, not all of us are as creative or easily motivated like that, so a lot of people will just end up putting the game away at some point and another game will become their main hobby or focus for a while. There's nothing wrong with changing things up!
I am slowing down too but I still have things I like to do. I just got my silver catalog badge so it gives me a little boost to get the gold and I am waiting for PWPs to decorate my town. I am also getting bored of my rooms, so I think I might redecorate everything.
yeah im getting bored
the only reason i got it was to hold me off until pokemon XY so its whatevs

i TT pretty much every time i pick up my DS to play animal crossing. i'm in november right now lmao.
and if i didnt TT i would not still be playing this game because i would get bored even faster

my main goal right now is to get as many badges as possible
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I'm still not bored with it. I'm always trying to get villagers I want, or paying off my latest PWP, or upgrading my house and stores, or decorating my house. I don't get bored with games like this, really. I don't TT, and I make trades with other players. I think with a game like Animal Crossing, you must make it interesting for yourself. It's not like a game with constant goals and absolutely nothing to do after you've reached them.
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I have been playing Animal Crossing for many years now.
It is not a game for everyone, some people get bored with it very easily.
Animal Crossing never gets old for me. I always find something to do.
I've noticed that some people play it in spurts. They get bored, drop it for a few months then pick it back up.
The addiction starts all over again.

Last night I decided to check up on my gamecube town, still have the original memory card that came with it.
There is a Rover sticker on it and my name written on it in sloppy 5th grade handwriting. Oh memories.
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I'm still paying off my house, waiting for dreamies, and the ice set. I only TT between days and don't dupe, so I still haven't experienced the whole year.
Some days I feel like nothing new is happening in my town! So that's when I try to challenge myself to catch a certain bug or find a new item to order from the HHA.
Eh... Not for me. I still have items to collect and to help friends find. It keeps the game interesting for me. I "TT" to play days I missed due to not being able to play (parts of the community judge me for that but I am 30 with a full time job and other responsibilities) but I've never TTed past what's the real life day/time yet. I might do so when I get bored, but it just hasn't happened yet.

I would like to play for a full year at least but I have no idea if that'll happen or not. Basically for games that don't have an ending, I just play them until I get bored. This is actually by far the longest I've played any AC game already. I got bored of the Gamecube game and Wild World way too quick. I decided that NL was gonna be the third strike against the series for me and I'd never play again if I didn't end up playing long. But now I've been playing for 3 months. As a gamer, that's actually incredible value for a video game. Too many end in only 20-30 hours.
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It got boring for me, so I stopped playing for about a month. When I picked it back up, I had a ton of stuff to do to fix my town. So, now I'm not that bored with it.
I dupe things for people but nothing they can get for themselves. I still feel challenged. I have two alternate houses to pay off and dreamies to invite to my town. Once I receive some of my dreamies' pictures, I'll likely want other dreamies to take their place! I have way too many "favorite" villagers that I'll be playing New Leaf for awhile. :)
To protect myself from burnout, I don't TT, I rarely trade and like someone else said, I set goals. When I started the game in June, right off the bat I started aiming for a Horror Town. I mean the WHOLE TOWN. Its giving me something to focus on, whats spookiest and how do I obtain it. I'm trying to be done by Halloween (which means I don't have much time to get the Halloween set lol). After thats done, I'm gonna dream code my town, call it perfect then tear it down and start over with a "nice" town.
yeah for me it's been boring for a while now. well, yesterday I did finish up setting paths but right now i'm really overwhelmed because i have way too many flowers and they're all over the place so it just makes me not want to do anything on the game lol

but i guess one of my motivations in my game is to just get a lot of cubs even though i like my current villagers
I play every day (have since launch day) and even though I almost never wi fi, I'm not bored.
I played Wild World every day for years. I can not remember when I stopped.
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I'll admit that I haven't been playing as much. Both because I don't have as much time as I did through summer, and because I have had quite a bit of playtime. *cough* 500+ hours *cough*

But I TT and I still have plenty of interest in the game. I notice not playing often through the week and then coming back to it on the weekend seems to make the game a little more enjoyable.
It isn't boring for me, but lately I've been too busy with classes and work to have much time for playing AC:NL, and sometimes when I do have time, I'd rather just lay down, relax, do mindless things. I have lofty goals for my town, and since I haven't done excessive trading, I'm not even close to reaching them -- still need lots of hybrids (there are certain hybrids I haven't even grown a single type of yet), PWPs, furniture, and so on. I'm also looking forward to the changing of the seasons, holidays, seasonal items, and for current neighbors to move out (some are in baaad locations) and new ones to move in. But I understand that not everyone has the same level of interest and investment in Animal Crossing, so it's fine to move on to other things if you're bored already.
I'm not bored with it yet. :p I still have too much to do... I should really play less. >.<;
I'm not bored with the game by any means, but I have slowed down a lot compared to when it came out where I would play until the battery ran out and impatiently waited for my XL to fully charge to play again.