Has this ever happened to you?


Dec 7, 2013
Red Feather
Green Feather
Blue Feather
White Feather
Yellow Feather
These cases have happened to me twice...

1) Okay so I was on Club Tortimer, and I met this person (We'll call him Bob to protect his identity XD). Bob was Japanese, so it was hard to communicate. In the end, we added each other.
[Time skip]
Afterwards I had a trade going on, then 'Bob' came to my town. He started running around my town, and I was afraid of my flowers being trampled. He stole one of my black tulips from my town, and he was trying to steal my other flowers. I quickly saw this and ended session. I had not given him permission to do so, and he just ran ASAP to take my hard-earned hybrids...:(

2) This person (We'll call him Jason) was already my friend, I added him from another forum.
'Jason' asked me to open my gates, so I did. He came over and he was holding an axe...He walked up to my Perfect Orange tree and started chopping it down...and took the Perfect Oranges with him...I typed '...' and he responded in; 'Oh sorry' and gave me one Perfect Orange back. It was rotten...And I never gave him permission.

Well, either I'm too soft-centered or people are just mean...
Anyways, sorry for the long drabble, but has this happened to you guys?
Aw, I'm sorry that happened to you. D:
This has never happened to me, though. I never usually let people wonder around in my town unless they're I trust them.
Then again, I never usually wifi, and anyone I meet on CT usually play one tour then go back to their town. :p
Ah I see...
Well I opened my gate when I was trading (Scenario. 1) and he randomly popped up.
He was nice on CT but he started stealing my flowers....
Also, there was this other person on CT who wanted me to add him and then open my gates. Seemed a bit suspicious so I got off to avoid him. My level of trust...
Personally, I would have flicked the wifi switch the second I caught them stealing/wrecking :/

This has never happened to me before and I do have friends from the CT island - maybe I'm just lucky?? 0.0
I only let close friends into my town.

And I have OCD about my town, so I get upset even if someone touches a seashell or shakes one of my trees.
Ah, I see...
The ones at Club Tortimer asked me for my FC, I felt it was kind of rude to ignore/leave.
Well I've only added one and they started picking my black tulips and trodded on some of my other ones...
(But they somehow dropped Bells on the ground for me on the island...wut. And I can't speak Japanese ;A;
Nor does my 3DS have the Japanese keyboard - _-+ And they can't speak English very well, as it is not their native language which is understandable :/)
Yowch. But it is partially your fault for adding their FC :/
But I do feel for you. Once a girl was kind of running all the time to do tours and after a few I wanted to go home, she kept touring, I said ''**** you'' [i have anger issues get quite angry about these kind of people] and flicked the switch. By the way, if you flick the switch without saving, the flowers would still be there :) just incase it happens again
I only let good friends roam in my town, I monitor everyone else and if they do anything bad I flick the wifi and remove their FC.
It?s sad that it have happened to you, I recommend you don?t add people from CT just tell them that you don?t add strangers.
Same ForgottenT.
If I see anyone go out of boundaries i'm like ''NOPE **** YOU'' and flick the wifi switch
In my City Folk/Let's Go to the City town it's happened a lot of times. I've tried my best to open my town up to lunatics like that.
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I do let everyone walk around in my town and I don't follow them but no, those things never happened to me. I do keep an eye on peoples WIFI rating and won't let people in my town who aren't real friends or people from this forum.
People these days >_>
I figured that I'm just going to avoid talking to people on CT. You never know what you're gonna get with these people...
I have a friend that I met from the island named (fake name) Desi. I've been in his town many times, and I usually have fun. The first time he came to my town, he asked for a black rose. I said no. The next time, he asked again. I refused, and then I found one missing! A second later, he tried leaving, so I errored. When I had good turnip prices, I was letting a lot of people in. (Fake name) Julian, who claimed to be Desi's brother, came, but wasn't going to sell turnips. I was trusting, so I tended to the turnip people and let him roam my town. He left, taking many hybrids with him. Generous people let me have hybrids to make up for him stealing (I'm extremely grateful!). Next, when I was giving fossils to people, Julian again came to my town. My game lagged, so I never saw him come out of the train station. I took 5 steps and saw holes where hybrids once were. Needless to say, I errored, and I'm still furious at Julian. I'm very untrusting in my town now, and I feel bad about it. >.<
This has never happened to me before. I really only let my gates open to trusted friends. (And you guys who are super duper nice and you must have at least some good wi-fi ratings.) But, if it ever happened I would flick the switch right away.

Hey, I'll tell a quick story. So I was on CT. I had been beetling hunting and got really lucky! Guy said: "if you dont release them ill flick the switch" I really thought he was joking, mind you, I didn't know what flicking the switch was back then. So I just kept on going. Dup, before I knew it I was encountered with a Reseti error.

Moral of the story, I shouldve left and known what flicking the switch was. p:
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I really have no idea whats wrong with people stealing others hard worked hybrids and things.
On CT I had many begging for money and stuff and crashed the wi-fi when I refused. But I also met my best friend ever on CT <3
I don't trust many people walking unviewed through my town, exactly for those reason. It's just sad how people ruin this wonderful people with stealing, chopping trees and just being rude...
I constantly get people turning up in my town without being invited, who I have previously added through trades or usually giveaways, and unless I'm doing something important, I'll just flick the wifi switch immediately :")
I literally just had someone steal a ton of ore from my cycling town. -.-
Of course, I flicked the switch, but what really gets me mad is that they lied to my face about it.
I'm extremely paranoid and distrustful of strangers, so there's really no way I'm getting CT or adding people I don't know. X_X Especially with all these stories around of people getting their towns wrecked. :(
I'm really cautious even when my friends are walking around ;^; I usually leave bushes and items laying around since I transfer them over to another profile and a friend of mine stole all my sweet-olive starts and replaced them with holly starts. Needless to say I was angry and she pulled the "It's just a video game" card and gave me a few hybrids.