Have you encountered the Tarantula yet?


Senior Member
Feb 1, 2009
So have you? I encountered it, but I got stung :'( It was kinda funny because I was walking slowly AND with my net out. I was actually hunting for another bug that I kept repeatedly scaring away accidentally. I was shocked to see it considering I don't have a windmill. I really wish I had caught it. Oh well maybe next time for me :D
I've seen it 3 times- twice it stung me. the other time it just ran off..
i caught my first one, first try. then again. after that i got stung, wasnt looking for it i was running with my net out and i found it chasing me.
I saw one last night and it stung me :(
I'm gonna be hunting for one again tonight so maybe I'll catch one :)
About 3 times, all of those I have failed X(

I really suck at the timing on those blasted things...
Yes, and it got me.

But surely,from now on, there doesn't need to be any more tarantula threads to be mad everyday. I see a new one every day, and it is just clogging up the forum.
I ran into one yesterday... It bit me DX. I've been searching today, but no luck... (although I did catch a shark and 2 blue marlins xD)