I had a weird one a while back, and I don't fully remember what it was about, but I remember that everything was halloween themed, and there were bat and moth villagers.
That's the only one I even slightly remember, though
Yeah, once. I was really little when I had it, though. I didn't really understand that you are a human in the game and you can't be an animal or whatever. So anyway, I had a dream that a pinky the panda costume was for sale in Able Sisters. I bought it and I turned into Pinky. Weird dreams man
Last night I had a dream Chief had been living in my town the entire time, and I didn't realize. I apparently never saw him ever, or found his house in my town. I remember being so shocked. It was funny XD
Recently I had a dream that I built a cafe and Marshall visited. Prolly because I rejected him to make his cafe on HHD. Sorry Marshall but your furniture sucks.
Oh yeah, I have and it was a mixture of horror and fun. I always dreamed about the days when it was in winter and gloomy outside. Villagers carried axes and they all tried to hunt me down because that was the tradition for halloween in my dream. Then as it went a along my dreams kept making me think that this is why they have new mayors every year and so on. I also had a dream that my villagers jumped off the clif because my whole town was possessed through some sort of exorcism, but it was kind of interesting, I woke up dying though xD
Yes! It might be a bit weird, but I dreamed i was playing a new, HD version of New Leaf. Its point of view was behind the playable character, just like some Zelda games, and it had new features, such as cave exploration. I remember it being very colorful and bright. I'd absolutely buy the game in my dream, if it came true! ;P
I've had lots of Animal Crossing dreams, I've forgotten most.
But I do remember that dream I had around 2007-2010 where this massive fish shadow was in the ocean on my city folk town.
And then strait away I woke up, what a long dream. XD
I once had an ACNL nightmare, too! I was playing very late at night, it was 4 AM (I knew it because of the unsettling music). Suddenly, I had a goosebump going down my spine, and I decided to turn the volume of the music all the way down, since it was making me really nervous. But, when I slid the 3DS' volume switch down, I started hearing KK Dirge really loud. It was as if the volume switch worked as a music switcher now, which went from KK Dirge, when I turned the volume down, to the 4 AM music, when I turned it up. Even if I didn't wake up screaming or anything, I had a kind of nasty time that night.
I once dreamt that I woke up in my acnl town, I get up and go get mayor-o's (the cereal brand in my dream xD) And some isabelle juice (a weird brand of juice in my dream lol) And I got dressed to go shopping, and I saw Marshal and he was talking to Fauna. They were talking about their favorite game, Marshal said villagers and ladders (Dream brand of snakes and ladders lol) And Fauna said tic-tac-villager (I think you're catching on by now) I went in the conversation and said Animal crossing new leaf. They said ''What's that?'' I said ''Well, it's the game we're in right now.'' They both said ''No, this is real life'' I laughed and went back to the shopping. Than all of a sudden Don resetti popped out of the ground randomly and said ''Yo, why u reset?'' And I said ''Uh.., I didn't?'' And he said ''Um yeah you did bro', why?'' I said ''I just said I didn't man.'' And than he just disappeared, so my mayor just went shopping and that was it. Very weird dream. xD
The first ACNL dream I had was about having a "corrupt" town, except it wasn't an actual corrupt town, I just thought it was in the dream. It basically looked like a completely hacked town with stuff in the water and things out of place and everything.
The latest ACNL dream I had was about my New Leaf game being "glitched" and had turned into the Game Cube game (which I've never actually owned since it game out a year before I was born). The game had basically "read the wrong code" in the dream and was now in the form of Animal Crossing for Game Cube. I freaked out and started Googling why it'd happened and everything XD.
If I ever dream about Animal Crossing it's about when I visit dream towns, because I visit them quite often. One time I dreamed about this forest town I had visited a while back, and I was throwing beans and eating matcha ice cream. I could even taste it. I was so happy in the dream, and the whole time I was in the dream, I could hear Stale Cupcakes playing in the background, probably because I'm always listening to it. I remember seeing Merengue and Marshal in the dream, and I also remember dropping my box of beans, and the sound was so loud for some reason I woke up from it. It was a pretty enjoyable dream, I'd love it if I had it again. I've been having those kinds of dreams very frequent though, so I won't be surprised if it ever pops up again.
Got a dream about Yuka asking me to change her catchphrase, Yuka pinged me somewhere in the place where the orange tree was planted (between a pond, Re-Tail, and behind Snake's house). I thought, "At last! Time to get excommunicated from the Cheese Cult!" so I tried to revert her catchphrase back to "tsk tsk". But Yuka didn't accepted "tsk tsk" because she thought it was a bad/nasty word! It's so funny and frustrating at the same time.
Just last night I dreamed of finally catching a giant stag, but its wings were glitchy and turned my game to a legend of zelda type game. I tried to recover my file but it never worked and I lost my progress
Whenever I take naps (as opposed to trying to sleep for a full night) I'm much more likely to dream about whatever I was just doing or was thinking about before I passed out, so I've had a couple mundane dreams about doing normal things in New Leaf, but nothing particularly interesting, sadly.
Once I had a dream that Stinky (a favorite villager) moved away, and Isabelle ranked our friendship 1 out of 5 stars. A few months after the dream, he actually moved away, but I got him back.
I also had a dream where all of my villagers turned green! I have some really weird dreams...