yes, I have a lot. I know very well the feeling that if I were to just disappear off the face of the earth nobody would even bat an eye.
But I'm much better about it lately, and here's something that helps me deal with these feelings and feel better.
I have had depressing and bad thoughts to the point that I have nightmares
(about bad things) that are making me do things physically (in the nightmares).
Whenever I got hospitalized, I lied and told myself I don't need any treatment or help.
I always put on a show there anyways. Look, if you ever get hospitalized,
treat it seriously, please. I wish I had done that then and there.
When I get really depressed I often think about what would happen if I died, it's something I think about a lot actually. And as hard as I try to silence the thoughts they're there. Venting really helps, and anytime anybody needs someone to talk to I'm here if you need an ear. I don't really have friends anymore, some moved away, some moved on, some I hear from only when they need something from me, but yeah I don't really have any close friends besides my ones online and my boyfriend. I try not to be sad about it but I get sad a lot. It's just about riding it out and hoping a better day is on the horizon. I know I have things to live for, and it's hard sometimes to convince myself they're really worth sticking around for, but I try my hardest and that's what matters. =]
i have a negative outlook on myself. i have difficulty maintaining relationships, the fear of disappointing others and the fear of being unloved. so yes, i've thought about this sometimes but for some reason it doesn't bother me that it wouldn't matter if i died, although i do desire attention from others
Personally, I believe that everyone has a purpose for being here. You may feel totally useless and unimportant right now, but you never know what you might do in the future that could change someone else's life. Even if you think you have nothing to offer, the smallest act really could make a difference if you're in the right place at the right time, and you never know just when that might be. So that's what I tell myself if I ever feel insignificant; I have no idea in what small way I might be needed in the future, but if I'm not there I'll never fulfill that way.
Stay strong everyone <3 I believe in you
Not to be a downer (this is more realistic in my opinion), but unless you're a scientist, a celebrity, or a notable figure in some way or other, you aren't likely to be remembered, except by your friends and family, but that's okay. Just because you won't be remembered forever doesn't mean you can't live your life to the fullest.
I will say, though, that if being remembered is important to you, allowing yourself to be come reclusive, bitter and angry isn't the way to go about having people remember you in a positive way. If you're too dependent on others (which I don't know if you are, or if your friend is just a *****), then try becoming more independent, doing things for yourself and getting to a point where you're okay being by yourself, then go out and make some new friends.
Some of the people you care about in life will treat you like crap, but you have to remember that their bad decisions aren't your fault, and that you deserve better.
I mean seriously, one person dying doesn't mean anything whatsoever in the grand scheme of things. Think about it. There's an infinite amount of species in an infinite amount of planets of which an infinite amount of moons orbit, and the infinite amount of planets and moons orbit around an infinite amount of suns in an infinite amount of solar systems in the infinite amount of galaxies in the infinite amount of space in the infinite amount of universes that inhabit this multiverse that's doomed to end in about an octillion or so years, give or take a few. Nothing that anything does matters.
Well.... it's true. We're all mortal here.
However, I think it depends on one's approach to things. Would the fact that you can't change anything mean that it is pointless to do anything at all? Not really.
I think we can have a little selfishness in our lives. Who does our life story matter to anyway? Knowing that there's a limit to your life here means that there are things you can appreciate, goals you can make and plenty of connections and events that are unique to you.
When you die, the living are the ones who mourn. You're just dead.
So.... just enjoy life while you're alive I guess. There's no point in worrying about the inevitable.
The only difference that it would make, is that my animals wouldn't live in a Paradies anymore,
since my boyfriend could not afford to take care of them.. and my Dad & boyfriend would be deadly sad..
and that's the worst part about suicide / death. There will always be at least ONE person that will
suffer a lot because of your death.
Yes. When I die the world will keep going My name will be forgotten and I can't do anything about it.
Even the most famous people get forgotten about replaced by other people. what's more if your like me and don't want to have kids there's no one to pass your name on you just get forgotten by time.
Obviously not. The only way someone were to feel that way if they had no family alive, no friends or acquaintances, or no job. This is a stupid question to be honest, and I've seen a lot of stupid answers.