Have You Ever Game

yes ... i'm very careful about that now , haha

have you ever eaten glue ?
It's happened to me so many times so embarassing xD
and no.. that sounds gross lol.. and sticky!

Have you ever collected pokemon cards?

Have you ever dropped your food on the floor and ate it right afterwords ?
Yes! It was a delicious chicken nugget.. I couldn't let it go. ;3;

Have you ever regretted buying a video game?
Yes! It was a delicious chicken nugget.. I couldn't let it go. ;3;

Have you ever regretted buying a video game?

yup. there's quite a few games i have but haven't played in years, so i have no idea why i even got them cuz i never play them.

have you ever pranked someone?
ummm....what? why would anyone in their right mind eat grass?

have you ever been depressed? like not for a moment but a serious depression.
i live in america so yeah

have you ever flown in an plane
yes (3 months old lel)

have you ever saved someone's life?