I woke up this morning with this huge scar on my arm. I'm assuming I just accidentally scratched myself when I was asleep or something. Does this ever happen to you?
I don't think it was a permanent scar because it wasn't that deep, but once I fell asleep on the couch and was very rudely awoken by my cat slashing my throat with his claws.
I haven’t. I don’t think I’m capable of being able to scratch myself in my sleep. There is nothing hard enough for me to accidentally brush my arm up against.
Yeah, I wake up with scratches and bruises sometimes. Don't know why. But then again, I did get a deep cut recently from the rounded end of a lightbulb, so I know my skin is stupidly fragile.
I think I had once a scar, can't remember how I got it. It wasn't a big one and also not that
bad. I also had once a terrible pain in my left hand, guess I smashed my hand against the
wall without noticed it. Luckily, the pain didn't hold on for long.
Yes I've woken up with strange scratches, and also once I sprained my ankle in my sleep??? I kid you not I went to bed and it felt perfectly fine and I don't remember stepping weird the previous day, but I woke up and suddenly I couldn't walk.
Not scars per-say but I quite often wake up with light scratches, especially on my forehead for some reason?! I think it must be because I have quite long nails so I probably scratch myself in my sleep or something xD
Never any scars, but I used to wake up with bruises all the time. I've been told that I used to kick and flail around a lot in my sleep when I was younger, so that must have caused the bruises. But as I've grown older, I don't seem to do that anymore so I haven't woken up with bruises in a long time.
I haven't noticed any odd scars after sleeping, but this morning I noticed a small itchy spot on my leg. It kind of looked like something had stung or bitten that spot.
I once fell out of my bed (idk what you call it in English, but it's like a bunk bed without the bed underneath) and cut open my arm and bruised my legs pretty badly. I woke up crying but didn't know what exactly had happened lol. We made a safe-rail for my bed the day after so it hasn't happened since
I had a really old mattress that had a spring poking out. I kept getting scratched on my legs and my sheets were getting torn up, I assumed it was from one of my dogs because they usually sleep with me or nap on our bed when nobody is home. I sat on the spring eventually and finally realized what it was!
I've hit myself on the bed posts and move around a lot in my sleep. Sometimes I'll have random pains in my legs, feet, arms or hands. I assume it's cause I hit myself one way or another.