Yeah, I mean.. it's part of a relationship, let's be honest.
But speaking of real problems, the one before my current relationship, oh boy..
he was just really possesive. He was mad that I couldn't spend time with him when I had to go to work,
or if I felt sick and didn't want to leave my bed he would get mad at me for it. Worst part is that everytime
we were together, he would just spend his whole day in front of the PC and pretty much ignore me and
if I asked to go outside or do something together he would get mad and shout at me for always complaining, lol.
But he has some serious issues as I later realised. Glad I got out of the relationship rather fast.
Breakup was kind of messy though. I was so scared of him in the end, that I told him if he comes to my house I will
call the police and I was so scared that I begged my parents to go to a shop for some hours and they actually
understood and we spend most of the day outside the house. Oh yeah, when I was about 2 years together with my
now fiance and also lived since 2 years in France he actually wrote me a message on Facebook (thought I blocked him??)
and begged me to come back to Germany and not "ruin" my life in France.
Needless to say, I don't care anymore about this relationship at all. I just hope he never actually takes his life, because I know
he threatened it a lot, if I dared to break up and his arm showed more than enough proof of him being unstable enough to do so.