I am part of the LGBT's complicated. As far as gender goes, I am just a plain ol' cis-female, but the attraction part is what's complicated.
I have zero attraction to real life people (aro-ace), and even the thought of getting into a relationship makes me uncomfortable. There have been two particular times where I THOUGHT I wanted to get into a relationship and being the desperate idiot that I was, I would lead these guys on for a short period of time (even though I had zero feelings for both of them). But least it is (probably) what taught me about who I really am! <333
But when it comes to fictional characters, I am attracted to males AND females, so I class myself as being "bi-fictosexual"... "bi" meaning males and females, and "fictosexual" meaning I am exclusive attracted to fictional characters. I have started crushing on fictional characters since I was only 6 they started out as males, but I started developing strong crushes on female characters when I was 8 or 9. I could just sit here for hours and go over my history of character crushes! I've had COUNTLESS!!
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I can remember two particular times I was discriminated against for this. One of them was back in 2018 for dating "not only a fictional character, but someone who was considered an *******", and the one back in 2019 was because I was shipped with a character of the same-sex (this person didn't even know she was a fictional character).
Let's start with the 2018 incident. I had a huge crush on Ripslinger from Planes from July 2017 to July 2019. This one guy, which he was a horrible person in general made hate posts out of me on Google+, and later even on YouTube for it, claiming I was "molesting Ripslinger" and he would bash my opinion on him and claim I should hate him for being a villain. When I first found out on Google+ it made me depressed for a few days. ;-;
And the 2019 happened back in....IDK I think it was late September 2019 or October 2019....I had a crush on Aicha Ben Malek from the Criminal Case games, so I shipped with her for a few weeks. I posted some pictures on an old Instagram account that has long since has been abandoned. This one guy asked why I was with a girl, claimed that it was a "sin".
And to clarify, these were two different people discriminating against me.
I never understood the hate on the who self-shipping thing. It is harmless. I can understand it being a problem if the person is just using it as an outlet because they are longing for a relationship, but if they are like me where they have zero interest in a relationship, and self-shipping brings them happiness and comfort, LET THEM BE!!!
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Moving on to another category of discrimination: Ableism.
Now, I have Neurofibromatosis Type 1 and I am on the spectrum. I haven't really had to deal with discrimination really badly in this department since I have tried my best to keep my conditions a secret, but I do remember this one girl on the bus I went on back when I was in school, she called me "special" mockingly (I was in the 7th grade). I don't know how she knew. I don't remember telling her...I guess it is just easy for certain people to observe just by my overall behavior. I do have café au alit spots and harmless "bumps" on my skin from my NF1, so that could be another thing she noticed.
Screw discrimination.