so basically, i had a hard time controlling my emotions. And it make me easy to cry. I would talk myself, "dont cry" repeatedly but it didn't work. And I'm a introvert so I'm usually quiet and just minding my own business.
One day, at my grandma's house, i was just doing what i used to doing. It wen alright until dinner. I was talking to my mom about the food, then my uncle said; "why are you talking?" "You can talk?" "Since when did you talk" and i was irritated. I ignored it hoping it'll stop but no. He said, "why don't you cry?" "Go ahead and cry" "you always cry" again, and again, and so on (and he also laughed ).
Because my mom saw me being sad because if them, my mom said stop. And he began to start picking my mom. And he laughed and 'joked' about my mom's face.
And that's when i just snapped. I can't take this anymore. Then my mom stopped him again, and fortunately he stopped. I was crying, not because of me, because how he say means things to my mom. I just want to have a peaceful dinner, is that too much to ask?!