Have you ever personally been discriminated against?

Yes. Like many of the previous responses it has been for being LGBT+. I'll skip the details but I used to regularly have scary encounters when coming home from work late at night via train.
Yes, but no at the same time. For context, I'm a white female but I have experienced racism. My examples are nowhere near as bad as those who have been targeted directly, though. Discrimination is an ugly thing. I am so sorry that any of you have had to deal with it.

The main instance that popped into my mind was when I was in an interracial relationship. When my dad found out I was dating someone of mixed race, he completely flipped out. He accused me of lying to him and hiding it from him when I honestly just didn't think it was something that needed to be mentioned. He tried to force me to break up with the guy, but when I refused he made my life as difficult as possible. He instituted much stricter rules for me and they were designed to be complicated in an attempt to trip me up. The consequences for messing up far exceeded the infraction. He was hoping to ground me for lengthy periods of time so I couldn't see my boyfriend. But I never broke a single rule, no matter how dumb or convoluted, so that plan failed.

He also told me that my grandmother and other extended family didn't want to have anything to do with me while I was with a *insert slur here*. So I took the initiative and stopped going to see them. I would later regret that because years later I found out he had lied. My grandmother was so desperate to see me before she died that my father finally relented and told me to visit her. I got to see her one last time before she died, but several of my other relatives passed away before I learned the truth. My mom told me (much later) that a few of them had even chewed my dad out when they found out why I wasn't coming to family gatherings anymore. He cut me off from the rest of my family in a misguided attempt to make me stop seeing my boyfriend. And he was stubborn enough to keep it up for years.

I also had one very minor encounter in an online game. I create characters with aesthetics I find pleasing, so they never look like me. I had one character based on a dark elf, so I selected the darkest skin tone. One day, I was grinding in a map when another character walked through the room. He was just passing by, but he turned around, said the 'N' word, and then continued on his way. I was shocked. I took a screen shot and reported him, but I don't know if anything ever came of it.
I am so sad to see all the people who have been discriminated against here in one way or the other :(
I have been discriminated against in a few ways. I don't like to go into too much detail because it's very upsetting but I'd say one of the more hurtful ways I've been discriminated against is through sexism. There's something about people treating you as if you're not a human being with a brain and feelings but just an object to be admired, used, and/or abused that is very depressing.
I've been discriminated for being an introvert and I'm sensitive (as in i easily cried). I've witnessed my mom being discriminated too.
By who you ask? My uncle. Usually i just ignored it but sometimes it was worse.

so basically, i had a hard time controlling my emotions. And it make me easy to cry. I would talk myself, "dont cry" repeatedly but it didn't work. And I'm a introvert so I'm usually quiet and just minding my own business.

One day, at my grandma's house, i was just doing what i used to doing. It wen alright until dinner. I was talking to my mom about the food, then my uncle said; "why are you talking?" "You can talk?" "Since when did you talk" and i was irritated. I ignored it hoping it'll stop but no. He said, "why don't you cry?" "Go ahead and cry" "you always cry" again, and again, and so on (and he also laughed ).

Because my mom saw me being sad because if them, my mom said stop. And he began to start picking my mom. And he laughed and 'joked' about my mom's face.

And that's when i just snapped. I can't take this anymore. Then my mom stopped him again, and fortunately he stopped. I was crying, not because of me, because how he say means things to my mom. I just want to have a peaceful dinner, is that too much to ask?!
I came out of the closet when i was 17. Up until then my life was a torment. Lower school and middle school are such difficult environments. It felt i had to watch my back constantly and that's very emotionally stressing and exhausting. I am gay and did my best to hide it. But i wasn't very successful in it. I also lived in a trailer park and the fact that i lived there and being gay was enough ammo to be under constant fire.

But to say I've been discriminated?! I have to say no. I regard it as kids being mean to each other. From adults i never experienced it. Except for my dad. He clearly didn't like me. I didn't live up to his expectations. My mother sometimes forced me to be more manly and to attend my dad more often. But we were water and fire and we just ended up ignoring each other. I have a great relation ship with my mother i adore her and don't blame her for it.

When i came out it was such a relieve. For my parents, for me, well for everybody. My relationship with my dad was uphill from that moment. My childhood was in the eighties and gays were regarded very negatively. Also, living in a trailer park, it was very macho environment. That's why my childhood was such a torment. But now, being 40, i can say i left that behind me. And the relationship with my parents is great. There are some little scars left though.

I am proud i never bullied anyone. And i was always drawn to the loners in school and life. Reading some of the story's here, it breaks my heart. When i saw someone standing alone at school. I would approach them and have some nice little conversation. Threw out my life I've been very talkative and outgoing. I hate bullying and group behavior.

Thank you everyone for sharing your story. There are such mean people in the world. But there are also so much nice and lovely people. Everyone deserves to have those people around them. You can never have enough love!
I don't know if I'd consider it discrimination, but...I'm kind of a scary looking dude, I suppose. Full beard...and kind of angry looking (even when I'm perfectly happy), and there are definitely times when I can see people actually hustle to the other side of the street or whatever to avoid me. Lol. Especially if I'm walking behind a girl or something...which I get. But, like...I'm literally just trying to get where I'm going. You don't know me. And there's a park that I cut through on my way to a lake that I like to hike around. Mothers will literally be like "Jessica, stay away from that awful man". Hahaha. That might be an exaggeration...but that's the way I see it. Lol.
Like LadyDestani I've experienced some kinds of racism by association I guess, I've received gross comments from randoms when I am out with my partner for dating outside of my race (I'm white, he's Chinese). The creepier comments have come from other men trying to "get me away from him"? Like I should be dating them instead? They'll say some horrible stuff about my boyfriend or Asian people in general then expect me to agree with them or be swayed by that.

Also his family really did not like me for being white. I think a lot of them still don't like me a ton (the more extended family members) but they've come to accept that I'm not going anywhere lol
I'll be honest, in the area I grew up in (Central Florida), it's a very mixed crowd. And well, I'm mixed (black/white). To my knowledge, I don't think I've been discriminated against.

However, there were several times when I've heard things like me being a "product of something that isn't supposed to happen" (black mother, white father). But nothing major besides that.
I'm not sure if this counts, but I got discriminated for my appearance and how I look. I decided not to add the story here for personal reasons.
Yes, as someone who is Asian and LGBT+ living in a conservative state in the US. I’m fortunate to live in a city to know that I’m not the only Asian or LGBT+ person living here, but I did have to face microaggressions some horrible slur thrown at me every now and then.