Have you ever seen a Rainbow?


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yes! this doesn't happen often, but it's really cool when they arch across the whole sky
Every year man. But the more magnificent sight than a rainbow are these clouds.


The last time I saw them was 3 years ago, and I savored ever minute with it.

those are mammatus clouds

they're heavy and filled with high levels of concentrated precip
I've seen a rainbow a plenty of times and it's been a delightful sight every time! My next goal is to get a good-quality photo of one. :blush:
It rains a lot around where I live so I see them pretty often. I saw the most vibrant double rainbow on the day I came out of the closet, which was a pretty fun coincidence!
I'v seen a double rainbow a couple of times after stormy weather. The first time I saw one I was very surprised and took a picture of it to always see it! They are very pretty too look at and I always look forward to seeing one after the rain! :)
Wow it never occurred to me that someone could've never seen one. I probably on average see one every like month and half, it rains a lot where I live.
Where I live, I've seen soooo many rainbows, it's insane!
Back when I lived in Germany, I rarely saw any rainbows.
And now here, I once had 5+ rainbows in one day!
I see rainbows every now and again, but once I saw THREE rainbows at once and it was the most amazing thing ever, I'm never gonna forget that tbh. I was in year 8 and at this point I was having a rough personal time but omg walking to school and seeing this triple rainbow to the left of me was the wildest stuff, I was so shocked about it I went to my friends like 'omgdidyouseetherainbowstheyresocool' but they wern't as excited as me lol.