Have you ever wanted to create something 'beautiful'?

Mayor Monday

Senior Member
Sep 29, 2019
I know that the definition of beauty is different for every single person, but generally speaking, have you ever wanted to do this?

Whether it be music, art, writings, a game- do you want to create something that affects people? That makes them think 'this is something else'?

I want to do this so badly. I don't know what it is yet, as I'm actually quite young, but I have some ideas. I want to create something that people remember. Even if they hate it, there will be no denying that it's significant. But it's frustrating to be young without the ability/resources. I always try my best though. I write, I draw, I learn new things. I do the best with what I can and will continue to do so.

What about you?
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I’ve made over 200 paintings in my life, three indie games and a cancelled fourth, way too much music, and right now I’m working on a book of poetry.

If you want to create something beautiful (or ugly and disturbing), do it. Nothing is stopping you.
Yes, I have! And I currently do. I write and draw. My writing talent is far superior and I've been writing ever since I learned how to use a pencil. And I don't mean to sound conceited but I am rather proud of the things I've written in my life. A lot of the things I've written are dark and deep but reflect on a certain aspect of my life and I'm glad I'm able to express it all on a single document.

I have also won writing contests before (a couple of them; first and third place) so I guess that's a bit of verification that the stuff I write is extremely meaningful. I also remember one day in grade nine, we did this creative writing assignment and it had to be about an epic hero journey. I poured my damn HEART out onto this piece and handed it in. I got it back several classes later and received a 100%. While the class was ending, my English teacher asked to speak with me after everyone left. She sat me down and said that my piece was her favorite of the whole class' and even managed to make her tear up from all the emotions. She said I had a huge potential in my creative writing and that I should never stop writing.

I'll never forget those words... So I kept up my writing. I don't write nearly as often as I did in high school, however I have never lost my ability to create such beautiful and memorable pieces to evoke strong emotions within the people who read them.

I can link a few for people to read. The first one listed is actually a piece I wrote for a writing contest hosted on TBT (though unfortunately I didn't win but I am still proud of the piece nevertheless).


I'm sure you'll find a way to express your ideas. It just takes time and practice. <3
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Nah, when I create something it's explicitly for myself. My favorite thing is to craft irl or create artworks online for me to use (like avatars or just fun edits to share), but I don't create to get feedback from others. I'm much more practical than creative, so my creativity is let out by doing something I can work on without needing years of experience in my preferred style. Like I'm not into things I need to do for years to get good at, I rather to something basic that works for me and that I can build up on. Either way, I see it as my personal expression and not a skillset, so I don't feel like I want feedback to get better at it.
Yes, I’m working on a fictional book series as we speak. It’s currently paused for now because of first priorities like finishing school, but I have a good chunk of it done and I plan on getting it published and getting manga and anime adaptations for it in the future. It’s a really unique idea that hasn’t been done quite this way before, so I don’t want to let it go to waste.
I really, really, REALLY want to make an animated T.V. show. The problem is that I have to work on my writing skills and that I have to get into the basics of animation. But, I know that if I remain patient, build up my skills, learn my mistakes along the way, and meet some people, I can achieve that! With the help of God of course. :)
I actually tried to make my New Leaf town into a kind of work of art... Like make it really... Good and beautiful?
There's so many things I wanted to do and some I'd still like to give a try, but I'm held back by many obstacles such as time constraints, budget, self-doubt and other reasons I'd rather keep private. I like practicing on my writing whenever I can, even through something as small as a comment online in order to exercise any new words I learn and keep them in my memory bank, but I'd never attempt to write a story out of embarrassment that it'll be too corny, cheesy or generic.
I made a few drawings for a manga I once planned to create, but I couldn't finish it because, after giving it some contemplation, I thought it was just silly and dumb. Eventually, I just started to draw less and less. Lately, however, I've been wanting to learn how to play a few instruments like the piano or flute and perhaps use music as an outlet. I've always loved instrumental music.

Whenever I manage to create something I usually I keep it to myself. I don't think I'm any good and even if I were to get compliments, I'd just brush it aside as people being nice, so I guess, in a way, my own thoughts are also holding me back. I don't even show my own parents my drawings. :)

But even if I were to get really good at what I like doing, I somehow doubt that would get me anywhere, so I consider it a pastime or hobby instead of a future career plan.
I actually tried to make my New Leaf town into a kind of work of art... Like make it really... Good and beautiful?

I can totally see that. I've been to towns that were works of art- and I genuinely thought that. Time and effort go into their designs, as well as skill and patience. You can do it, too!
I have loved to write since I was a child and I had teachers in school that encouraged it. I would love to someday write a novel that would change the world, speak out about certain things in society that have affected me personally, and touch the lives and hearts of many people.

My problem isn't really the writing itself, but having the time and discipline to do it. I always start projects and then halfway through, I come up with another idea that suddenly sparks my interest and I can't tear my mind away from the new idea to finish the old one. So I have a bunch of partially finished novels and outlines for novels scattered all over the place.

The one thing that I do usually finish and take pride in is my poetry. One day, I'd love have my poems published because they are deeply emotional to me and I'd like to share those feelings with others who may be going through the same things. Unfortunately, poetry doesn't really sell in this day and age.
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I hope to do that with my knitting and counted cross-stitch. I also write, and while I know it not everyone will love my books, I do. With my writing, I think of it more as something for myself, but also a little bit of "pay it forward" from the authors who sparked a love of reading in me; if one person reads my stories and thinks, "Hey, that wasn't bad. Maybe I'll try reading something else." then I have succeeded.

I think the key is that if you truly love what you are doing, and put your heart into it, it will be beautiful.
Jaden Smith doesn't have any talent, it hasn't stopped him from doing things.

I do 'creative things'. I don't personally use the word beautiful to describe anything I do since it just doesn't feel right to me, I tend to go into things just thinking "this would look/sound cool" rather than having any deep meaning to why I've done something, but given it's all subjective and somebody else might find a meaning in something I've done it would all still fall under the definition of the thread.

Music is the main one for me. I've written lots of music over the years. It's a little different to other things I do since I do play in bands so there is an incentive with this for me to keep doing it and to do it for other people, but even when I haven't been active in a band I've done it anyway because it just makes me happy doing it, hence why I also write stuff 'just for me' that just wouldn't fit with a band I'm in or project I'm working on. It's fun. Millions of people might end up hearing one of my songs, it might only ever be me as I decide it's not good enough to even note down or demo, anything could happen, but I ultimately just do it for myself.

I draw a lot too but generally I don't show anybody, maybe aside from my best friend if I'm particularly proud of something. Again, it doesn't bother me and stuff I draw generally doesn't get seen by many, especially since I don't tend to put it out there, but I don't do it for other people, I do it for myself with only a very few exceptions to that.

Painting tabletop miniatures is probably the closest I've ever gotten to doing art specifically for other people, even then I still do it for myself at the moment. Again, I started doing it for myself since I just thought it would be neat, using Youtube videos for guidance. I used them for D&D, my group were particularly impressed with them to the point they bought themselves miniatures of their characters and asked me to paint them. At some point other people I knew started picking up the hobby and it was me they've been told to come to for advice and help. I still do it for myself first and foremost, but I'm at a point where I've considered/am considering doing things like buying a 3D printer and selling miniatures to offset the cost of it, possibly looking into 3D modelling and taking commissions to paint miniatures for other people (though this is more of a sneaky way to have fun painting miniatures and not having to worry about storing them all).

Generally the theme of "I ultimately do it for myself regardless of if anybody else takes notice" is the common thing here. You don't need to be really good at something straight away to do something creative people will like or start doing a thing, you don't need a lot of money or resources as ultimately YOU are going to make more of a difference to what you're creating than what quality of pen or instrument you're using, and age is only a factor in terms of experience not potential to do something brilliant right now.

Example: I started music by saving up the ?3 I got to spend each weekend for months on end until I could afford possibly the worst guitar I've ever played (which cost ?40 at best) and the most horrid amp I've ever heard (?35, IIRC). Took me forever to get them and they were the cheapest of cheap. Learned everything I know from free online resources, which with it still being early days of the internet there wasn't much of and I had to print them to take home from the school computers (couldn't afford lessons and my parents didn't want me having a guitar in the first place, so that was out of the question).
I got accepted into collage for music from doing that, still using the same crappy guitar since I couldn't afford an upgrade, totally skipping the entry level course since I had already progressed enough on my own despite lack of resources or quality equipment to not need that course. Now I play in bands as a lead guitarist and songwriter as well as helping other people out on projects and whilst I don't think I would make a good teacher, I've been approached by many to teach them guitar.

Do creative things for yourself and if popularity or fame happen, that's a fantastic bonus, if not, you lose nothing since you were only doing it for yourself in the first place. People who get into things for anything but themselves are often the ones who fall the hardest.
I absolutely love writing original songs. I'm taking a break from recording one to type this post actually. The majority of the world will probably never hear them because they are very personal to me but I do think some of them are beautiful and enjoy listening back to them, and that's enough for me right now.

I also do choir arrangements of pre-existing songs for my job. This past summer was the first time that arrangements which are 100% my work were performed, and while I have no idea what the audience thought of them, a few choir members as well as my boss all commented on one particular piece and called one section the "Glory Moment", saying they always looked forward to hearing/singing that section. That was possibly the highest praise I've ever received and it still makes me smile thinking about it. The fact that multiple people were moved in a similar way by something I wrote is so humbling.
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I do some creative stuff but I often don't show them off. Yes I have an art thread here but I also write stories and poems, which have rarely been seen by other people.

Back in high school we had a performance show for singers and people who wrote spoken word and poems. I performed twice there, each year with a poem I wrote. The second year I performed I did a poem of two voices. The poem was originally made for a literary fair thing (and I think it won an award in my school for that category? Like third place maybe?) I performed it at the showcase and people really liked it. If I can find and brush up on it then maybe I'll post it.

I write also, I've been wanting to write a book series since I was 9 or 10. However I always ditch the story in favour of a new one. There was one story I did that I got 14 chapters in before 'giving up'. One day cleaning my room I found and read it and thought 'damn I should continue to write this actually isn't half bad'. It's rare that I take pride in my work, so after reading the story I felt like I do have some sort of skill in writing and that I should continue to keep that skill honned.

I wrote that story throu 2 of my high school years, I forget which 2. Since that story I never wrote an actual story again, just a bunch of concept drafts of places, characters, plot line and ideas, ect... I can't even say how many notebooks I've filled of just concept stuff. But I recently have been writing a bunch about this other story, so I plan to get it in chapter form to see how it goes, instead of it being a bunch of drafts and ideas.
Oh yeah, I've always dreamed of composing a piano piece that would make people go "wow, that's amazing!" in a deep and meaningful sense. Not just like oh yeah, I'm a piano player so I can automatically compose "good" piano music, but like something that's legit, something that even my professors would think is truly spectacular.

I don't have a lot of confidence in myself or my music abilities though so I've never even gotten close to this :,,,,,)
I'm not an extremely creative person, so maybe not in an artistic way. As far as I will go artistically is just creating graphical art (like signatures on here), a bit of photography and maybe a little drawing (however I'm severely underpracticed with drawing right now lol).

I would like to create, however, some sort of a landscape that would be educational to people. Maybe something like a wetlands that people can walk through and observe nature at work; how the aquatic plants can be used to treat contaminants, how ponds can treat polluted water, how water sensitive environments can improve urban water treatments, green roofs for houses and much more. A place were people can embrace how nature can be used sustainably to our advantage. A place were it can leave an impact on the way that we think about spaces.
Yes, for my own sake and for a therapeutic sake. I love drawing, painting or just making creative things, though work and school basically eating my energy I don't have a lot of time doing it, but I'll try working on regaining that energy so I can do them more. I also show off some stuff on my insta and while it's private I'm glad if people like them.

Then if I could make it a living off it someway, that'd be even better since you are kinda limited with Asperger and stuff.