Have you seen everything you can in an Animal Crossing game?


The Cartoonist
Jun 7, 2013
Maybe an easy question for long-time players and difficult for casual ones. This is a broad question and hard for me to describe. You COULD include collecting every piece of furniture, clothes, stationary, etcetera but what I mean is... Have you seen every single feature/event of any of the games? Like for example, when I had the Gamecube one, I knew about the passcode system and used it but I've never seen Wisp in any of the games. I've also never been to the Island or had a Nookingtons past the GC one. I haven't hit an 8000 Bells out of a money rock yet. Stuff like that. I guess like unofficial achievements.

Some easier and complementary questions: If you were to come up with a percentage or estimate of how much of the game you've "completed," what would it be and if you have all 4 of the major games so far, how much altogether? The percentages for the 3 I have so far are pretty low, I'd probably only say the total of those combined is around 20-25%. I don't have Animal Crossing anymore, so I will probably never get much past 50%.

I'll list more of my unseens later but this was just something that was on my mind earlier today.