I have not been playing as much lately since school started. But i think its because ive been spending like 24/7 that im not at school or at drums/piano/etc. im spending all the rest looking at drum kits. Because im using ALL of my christmas money on a new drum kit. But finally i think i figured out which ones I want.
Well put in a decent 2 hours a day. Talk to people you want to stay. See what's at Nook's, The Clothes Shop (Forgot the name >.<) Town hall for the Recycle Bin, Town Gate for the Lost and Found. Collect fruit, shells, pull weeds, dig the stars. You should be able to fit that in 2 hours.
No one is forcing you to play anything buddy. If you want to play the game, play it. Even if you're only on for about thirty minutes. No one is going to shove anything down your throat. Approach things at a steady rate.
I havent been playing either! I have many friend codes...but ever since school started ive been busy! reading books doing math homework practicing in band! On top of all that I might join the track team at school!