
Nov 16, 2008
Weird Doll
Anyone experiencing lag while try to catch fish on their High Definition TV? I've had the worst luck today searching for a Coelacanth.
I attribute it to the wireless controller... I can’t catch quick fish to save my life with the pro controller.
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I play with the Pro Controller, and I've really been struggling with catching fish. I'll see if playing handheld changes anything, but I doubt it.
The official Pro Controller has very little latency, unless you have other bluetooth devices causing an interference. The only other thing I can think of is your HDTV's refresh rate is causing some delay.
Ugh! I have the same problem. I've only been playing handheld mode because the lag when I play on my TV drives me nuts.
Are you using game mode (or your tv’s equivalent)? I had huge issues with input lag on my old N64 games on a newer tv (I suffered through most of Tick Tock Clock and Rainbow Ride on Super Mario 64 with 0.5-1 second input lag before I figured it out), and changing the tv settings helped.

I haven’t played ACNH on my tv yet, but I have had occasional bouts of stutter in handheld mode. They usually seem to happen when running on those black rocks on the beach for some reason.
Man, so many people having issues with TVs makes me a bit glad I bought a 24 inch monitor to play on, lol.
Are you using game mode (or your tv’s equivalent)? I had huge issues with input lag on my old N64 games on a newer tv (I suffered through most of Tick Tock Clock and Rainbow Ride on Super Mario 64 with 0.5-1 second input lag before I figured it out), and changing the tv settings helped.

I haven’t played ACNH on my tv yet, but I have had occasional bouts of stutter in handheld mode. They usually seem to happen when running on those black rocks on the beach for some reason.

I’ll try that tomorrow. I just assumed it was the wireless controllers (I have the official one, Smash Bro’s edition).
Yea I use the pro controller and it seems like catching has a half second delay to when my character pulls the fish back. Getting used to it, but it's annoying.
When I plug into an HD TV, not only is there no lag, but either the refresh rate, or frames appear to rise..Maybe both.

You could have a faulty "HD" TV.

EDIT: Some of you appear to be blaming your fishing mistakes on possible lag. I don't know if that's actually the case. Some fish, like Sharks, actually steal your bait. This is intentional, and not lag.
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Are you using game mode (or your tv’s equivalent)? I had huge issues with input lag on my old N64 games on a newer tv (I suffered through most of Tick Tock Clock and Rainbow Ride on Super Mario 64 with 0.5-1 second input lag before I figured it out), and changing the tv settings helped.

I haven’t played ACNH on my tv yet, but I have had occasional bouts of stutter in handheld mode. They usually seem to happen when running on those black rocks on the beach for some reason.

This. Put your TV in game mode. Other settings will have bad input lag.

Also, that's probably not stutter - there's a weird jump/step animation over some rocks and terrain that don't really work as intended on the beach rocks. It definitely looks like lag, though.

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When I plug into an HD TV, not only is there no lag, but either the refresh rate, or frames appear to rise..Maybe both.

You could have a faulty "HD" TV.

EDIT: Some of you appear to be blaming your fishing mistakes on possible lag. I don't know if that's actually the case. Some fish, like Sharks, actually steal your bait. This is intentional, and not lag.

Your TV probably has some adaptive frame setting, where basically it inserts a few composite frames in between to "smooth" motion blur and such. The game is locked at 30FPS, even in docked mode.
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