Heard that NH saves in a different way?


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2013
Heard that you can't have more than one save game per Switch - not sure exactly how this works - say if my Switch Lite were to break down the line and I bought a new one, can I just move the game card between Switches and pick up where I left off with my current world? Or is it different now (sounds like it could be) - in which case, how do I make sure my game is backed up in case my Switch ever breaks? Totally new to the Switch world, bought my Switch lite specifically for this game (although I've seen others that look good, this was the reason I made the jump haha), please and thank you :)
Savefiles aren't saved to the cartridge, they are saved to the Nintendo Switch's internal hard drive. And currently, you cannot transfer the savefile to a different system until they implement the transferring feature.

The game limits you to a single savefile.
The save data is stored on the internal memory - not the game card. Currently, you're stuffed if your Switch breaks or gets lost. Nintendo said something about restoring save data in the event of console breakdown, but that system is not yet in place.
I bought a switch lite for this game too. I had to trade in the one I bought for a replacement because it had debris under it's screen. And yep, I lost my town because there's currently no way to back it up. I just hope Nintendo implements something to back it up, they won't use cloud saves or save transfers because apparently they were "worried players would use it to time travel" as if we couldn't just change the systems date :confused:. It's terrifying to think I could lose everything I worked so hard for just because of this. I really hope they do something about this in the near future.
Wow okay thanks I'll admit that's sort of terrifying! May need to keep my switch in a display box or something now haha! Good to know there's some sort of system planned - is the wait due to the game itself being new, or nothing to do with ACNH and just switch software that's in the making? And has there been any word on any approximate time frame for this - like weeks, months, years? Sorry so many questions but I live under a rock clearly haha! Cheers :)
I bought a switch lite for this game too. I had to trade in the one I bought for a replacement because it had debris under it's screen. And yep, I lost my town because there's currently no way to back it up. I just hope Nintendo implements something to back it up, they won't use cloud saves or save transfers because apparently they were "worried players would use it to time travel" as if we couldn't just change the systems date :confused:. It's terrifying to think I could lose everything I worked so hard for just because of this. I really hope they do something about this in the near future.

The biggest issue with cloud saves is the fact they could easily be abused to dupe items. Granted, they managed to find a way to dupe items without cloud saves, but it was fixed for digital (physical can still dupe, by deleting update data and reverting to ver. 1.0.0).
If I bought a micro SD card is there any way I could save the data to that instead, so if console stopped working I'd still have the game file saved onto that? Cheers :)
If I bought a micro SD card is there any way I could save the data to that instead, so if console stopped working I'd still have the game file saved onto that? Cheers :)

Unfortunately not, save data is always stored to the console's memory.
on the official Nintendo website they said they're going to implement a feature that lets you transfer saves between Switches, but you'll have to email them to do it. and yeah, it sucks.
How hard would it be for Nintendo to allow us to store data on an external device? That would be an intermediary solution.

Not very, but we'd be back to it being possible to revert to an older save file, which Nintendo doesn't want due to item duplication.