Trading Heart Balloons for Sweet Heart Balloon | [Date Trading] White Feather | [Buying] 2024 Sky Clouds Scenery

🌎🛸 Nothing to sell yet since the events haven't started in earnest, but I wanted to dig up the thread in advance. 🚀🪐
Hey there! If you're interested, I'd love to offer up my Bee Plush for an Asteroid Plush trade 🐝
I'll keep it in mind! I'm prioritizing TBT since Halloween will be coming up in a few months and I'll be practically broke after I purchase something from someone here soon. Let me know if you're still looking for an asteroid when camp's ending or if you get one otherwise in the meantime. :)
I'll keep it in mind! I'm prioritizing TBT since Halloween will be coming up in a few months and I'll be practically broke after I purchase something from someone here soon. Let me know if you're still looking for an asteroid when camp's ending or if you get one otherwise in the meantime. :)
Cheers! Completely understood, good luck with collecting TBT. Let me know if you ever end up interested in trades! That's my expertise :alien:
Hiya! I have a corrupted rainbow candy that I would be up for trading for a camp collectible?
^ Sent you a PM.


:alien:🛸:alien: If anyone's interested, I want to trade a Rocket Pop of your choice for a Green Alien Plush :alien:🛸:alien:
:alien:🛸:alien: Bump! Time's running out, I'll be picking a Rocket Pop color for myself if no one's interested in trade. :alien:🛸:alien:
:alien:🛸:alien: I doubt anyone's gonna bite on the trade at this point, but figured I'd bump in case. Only a few hours remain. Final bump. :alien:🛸:alien: