

Senior Member
Feb 18, 2005
Throwback Tickets
It's been a long time....

I remember when I first joined this forum....it only had 70-something members and 10,000-something posts.....talk about small! I've seen many changes here.....the arrival of the money system, the Empire State, the Wishing Well, the seasonal skins, and a lot of other things I don't really feel like writing down at the moment.....

I've made a lot of friends here at TBT, Justin125, MasterDSX, and LIQUEFY! to name a few. I've also met a few jerks......but, let's not get negative.....

I'm the kind of person who joins lots of forums, both huge and small.....one person even commented "DSFan is everywhere!"

:p , but out of all of them, TBT is the best IMO. It has the nicest environment out of all of them.....it makes you feel.....like you're in Animal Crossing......


EDIT: I'm usually good with words, but this sucked. I'll work on it, don't worry. I'll have it done by my first anniversary here.

Yeah, but I wasn't kidding.....TBT is the best forum I've ever been to......better than GNC, NF, even NSider......
DSFAN121 said:
Yeah, but I wasn't kidding.....TBT is the best forum I've ever been to......better than GNC, NF, even NSider......
Yeah, in some ways, I guess it is better... What the heck, it's the best.

I like these forums as well. And just 'cause I have a low post count doesn't mean I don't like this place. >_<

I just today got AC so I might get a little more active...

But yea, nice... uh... paragraphs? :lol:
Bulerias said:
DSFAN121 said:
Yeah, but I wasn't kidding.....TBT is the best forum I've ever been to......better than GNC, NF, even NSider......
Yeah, in some ways, I guess it is better... What the heck, it's the best.

I honestly had no idea people thought we were so great. Tell me DSFan, what is it about us that makes us so great?
i agree and totally understand you. that's why i like tbt so much. we just have a greta atmosphere and environment and community here.
everything kinda works out.
TBT is: great memebrs + great staff = great forum
He explained Smart Tech.


Yes, TBTF has come a long ways, but we've always had the same staff. We've really got to thank Storm and Bulerias for their year-long work on this forum.

Also, great thanks to Smart Tech (and me. :p.)

Our wonderful mods, our Sages (you guys are our best members.)

And, all our awesome members, especially those who have been with us for a while. Don't forget the new members that have come for the relase of ACWW. You guys have given us the largest influx of members in the entire TBTF History.
Mino said:
He explained Smart Tech.


Yes, TBTF has come a long ways, but we've always had the same staff. We've really got to thank Storm and Bulerias for their year-long work on this forum.

Also, great thanks to Smart Tech (and me. :p.)

Our wonderful mods, our Sages (you guys are our best members.)

And, all our awesome members, especially those who have been with us for a while. Don't forget the new members that have come for the relase of ACWW. You guys have given us the largest influx of members in the entire TBTF History.
Thanks? Me? Oh, come on. I haven't really done anything. Sure, maybe a few things, but I'm not all that great.
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Mino said:
He explained Smart Tech.


Yes, TBTF has come a long ways, but we've always had the same staff. We've really got to thank Storm and Bulerias for their year-long work on this forum.

Also, great thanks to Smart Tech (and me. :p.)

Our wonderful mods, our Sages (you guys are our best members.)

And, all our awesome members, especially those who have been with us for a while. Don't forget the new members that have come for the relase of ACWW. You guys have given us the largest influx of members in the entire TBTF History.
Thanks? Me? Oh, come on. I haven't really done anything. Sure, maybe a few things, but I'm not all that great.

smart, youve done quite alot, and you're cool with everyone.

Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Mino said:
He explained Smart Tech.


Yes, TBTF has come a long ways, but we've always had the same staff. We've really got to thank Storm and Bulerias for their year-long work on this forum.

Also, great thanks to Smart Tech (and me. :p.)

Our wonderful mods, our Sages (you guys are our best members.)

And, all our awesome members, especially those who have been with us for a while. Don't forget the new members that have come for the relase of ACWW. You guys have given us the largest influx of members in the entire TBTF History.
Thanks? Me? Oh, come on. I haven't really done anything. Sure, maybe a few things, but I'm not all that great.

DSFAN121 said:
Yeah, but I wasn't kidding.....TBT is the best forum I've ever been to......better than GNC, NF, even NSider......
I've been at Nsider for 6 months...I haven't gone there for 2, it got soooo boring, and how are you supposed to make friends there? I made so many friends here.
DSFAN121 said:
Yeah, but I wasn't kidding.....TBT is the best forum I've ever been to......better than GNC, NF, even NSider......
It is the best! I only join small forums, except for TBT.
I hate these threads >.>...they are kind of corny

But to stay, that is if I am, on a few somebody's good side..This is a great forum
It has great staff, many members, and outstanding number of posts.

Now it is not perfect...the staff, in my opinion are sometime cocky....now remember sometimes >_<. but it is better then Nsider (not NF though :no: )

:unsure: :r



Heres a question: Then why is your ACWW charecter Male? <_<

Sorry to say, but I've been to one better forum than this one.