Hello BellTree Community


Apocalypse King
Oct 21, 2015
I'm new.
Been playing AC since Gamecube.
I still have alot of progress to make in New Leaf 3Ds.
I've gotten quite a bit of upgrading done to my house, and I'm still looking to expand. (So any help is appreciated)

Currently I have a Donation Lloid in my Train station for the Dream Suite.

I look forward to making some friends and playing online with others.

I haven't had a single visitor yet and haven't been anywhere yet either, so everyone has a chance to be my first.

Well that's about it, my Friend Code is in my SIG, and I hope people will let me know if they want to be friends.
I also play Pokemon Omega Ruby, so that's a plus as well.

Bon voyage
Hi there, welcome to Bell Tree!!!! Its great to have you join up, I hope to see you around soon. If you need any help let me know :D