Hello, I'm Martina and I'm from Italy, but you can call me Kiriko c:
I play AC since I was a kid, and in 2013 I bought ACNL.
In the last months I deleted my old city because it was ugly, and I don't regret it c:
About me.. I'm 16 and I love playing 3DS (Pok?mon, Zelda, Layton, etc.) and making graphic stuff on photoshop.
I hope that I didn't make any mistake with English, hehe.
Bye! See you later on this forum!
I play AC since I was a kid, and in 2013 I bought ACNL.
In the last months I deleted my old city because it was ugly, and I don't regret it c:
About me.. I'm 16 and I love playing 3DS (Pok?mon, Zelda, Layton, etc.) and making graphic stuff on photoshop.
I hope that I didn't make any mistake with English, hehe.
Bye! See you later on this forum!