Hey, I've added you to my friends.
I absolutely look forward to AC3D....I have 2 copies ordered, one for me and one for my son (we each have our own 3DS).
About half if not more of the site want the game out now.
Most are hoping for news during the E3 convention.
I'm just hoping for any news at this point.
I have never gone to a single E3.
It's never held close enough to my hometown.
I normally have no cash by than either.
I don't know how much it costs.
I heard it was only for the Game makers and their family members.
So I don't know if they are open to the public at all.
I wanna work for Nintendo of America!
I'd need a diploma for game design, graphic design, etc first though.
I wish that I could just be a beta tester.
I'd love being able to test new systems and games!
Beta testers make money and get to test all the new games first!
I heard that You get a finalized copy of the game for Free if you Beta tested it!
Hello. My code for 3DS is 4124-5522-6526. My name is Atsuya.
I'm dying for Animal Crossing 3DS to come out D: I can't handle it, if they don't tell us the release date any sooner im gonna die!! D: