Hello Everyone, Mayor Alana From Adabella Here!


Feb 24, 2015
Hello Everyone On Bell Tree Forums!

My name is Alana I'm 17 going on 18 and I live in the U.S, I've been playing Animal Crossing since the first one came out and i've been in love ever since. I play Animal Crossing new leaf almost everyday and I love to trade with lots of people. I reign from Reddit so I'm kind of used to their way of formatting so sorry if any of my posts are formatted rather weird lol, Anyways i've heard amazing things from fellow traders about BTF and had to see what it was all about! Please let me know if anyone ever needs help with anything on Animal Crossing I'd love to help in anyway I can, See you around!
Welcome to the forums, Alana!

If you ever need help navigating the forums or just want to chat please feel free to let me know! ^^
Welcome to the forums, Alana!

If you ever need help navigating the forums or just want to chat please feel free to let me know! ^^
Thanks so Much! I'm definitely going to need the help lol, I didn't even know that I got this message ^^""
Welcome to the forums, Alana!

If you ever need help navigating the forums or just want to chat please feel free to let me know! ^^