Hi, there!
I'm Samiha, your average Animal Crossing lover. I've been into AC for about five years now. AC:WW is what started it all, and now I have AC:NL and I play it once in a while. I wouldn't call myself a hardcore AC fan, though.
Other things I like are watching anime, reading manga, and Love Live! School Idol Project.
Umi is best.
Hmm... I guess that's it! I hope I have a great time here!
I'm Samiha, your average Animal Crossing lover. I've been into AC for about five years now. AC:WW is what started it all, and now I have AC:NL and I play it once in a while. I wouldn't call myself a hardcore AC fan, though.
Other things I like are watching anime, reading manga, and Love Live! School Idol Project.
Umi is best.
Hmm... I guess that's it! I hope I have a great time here!