Hello Everyone!


Marina's Girlfriend
Nov 16, 2015
I'm new to these forums but I've been playing since Wild World.
I hope I can make some friends on here! ^v^

Oh, and if anyone can help me with obtaining my dream villagers, that'd be great.
Most of them are tier 1 though q.q
My dream villagers are Lily, Marina, Ribbot, Puddles, Ankha, Gala, Scoot, Fauna, and Coco.
The only one I currently have is Lily. uvu
Welcome to the forums!

The Villager Trading Plaza (clicky!) is a good place to look for your dreamies, users have cycling towns where you can lurk for them and there are also quite a few people who are generous enough to give away high tier villagers for a cheap price or for free c:
Also posting in the Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread will help others find you if they have one of your dreamies available! :blush:

Good luck with your search :D