I signed up for this site back in late 2016 and stopped playing the game, but I just recently started again and remembered this site! Can anyone give me a run down on this sites currency, and general info? Would be very appreciated, Thank you!
about currency: basically every time you post you earn a few bells or more, depending on the length of the post. the longer the post, the more bells you earn, but try not to spam just to earn bells. you can use them to buy addons for your account like an animated avatar, or collectibles. people also sell acnl items for bells, along with various other stuff like shiny pokemon and silver my nintendo rewards. if you want to transfer bells, click the number of bells under someone's picture. the basement and introduction forums don't earn you bells. also if you break the rules, staff can take away your bells as your punishment
people use BTB (bell tree bells) and TBT (the bell tree??) when they're talking about currency. for example "these hybrids are 2 TBT each". you're welcome btw
Hi and welcome back! Here's some general info for ya! Usually there are tons of things you can get with TBT/BTB (I technically call em' BTB because it makes more sense) such as services like weed removal and gardening, acnl items, TBT collectables and real life art. You can also run your own shops here selling these things in different forum parts. I actually have a shop here that sells items and custom patterns and another that sells art that I make for peeps. I know this isn't a lot of info so feel free to let me know if you have any further questions! Hope you enjoy your time here.