Hello Everyone


Junior Member
Jul 27, 2010
Throwback Tickets
Hello everyone,im new here and im looking for friends. I heard this website from friends and they said great comments and that I should try it. Anyways,I hope I can experience as much fun here as I do at ACC. :smilehappy:
who recommended/invited you?

welcome, either way :p the site has a few quirks/inside jokes, but it's nothing too heavy/that can't be learned in a couple of posts.
Nookster10 said:
Thanks everyone, im the Scout at another Forum so I come here every now and then. Thanks!
Welcome to the board. I've been from the start, and although I've just come back from a 2 year haitus, I assure you that if the board is anything like I remember, it is totally worth hanging out here.
Hey I'm new here guys. I've been hacking ACCF for months now, and i would like to use this site as a way of collaborating on custom town / NPC / Item design. (Yes I design my own DLC for me only!) I also have a youtube account where I will soon be posting ACCF / Wii in general / iPod hacking videos. i'm on wii version 4.3u and I made a video for people who want to update there wii and start homebrew hacking again.
TMG said:
Hey I'm new here guys. I've been hacking ACCF for months now, and i would like to use this site as a way of collaborating on custom town / NPC / Item design. (Yes I design my own DLC for me only!) I also have a youtube account where I will soon be posting ACCF / Wii in general / iPod hacking videos. i'm on wii version 4.3u and I made a video for people who want to update there wii and start homebrew hacking again.
you know u can just post your welcome thread?
TMG said:
Hey I'm new here guys. I've been hacking ACCF for months now, and i would like to use this site as a way of collaborating on custom town / NPC / Item design. (Yes I design my own DLC for me only!) I also have a youtube account where I will soon be posting ACCF / Wii in general / iPod hacking videos. i'm on wii version 4.3u and I made a video for people who want to update there wii and start homebrew hacking again.
Not something that you can talk about here. If you want to talk about hacking, this really isn't the place, for it's against zetaboards rules.