Hello Everyone

TMG said:
Hey I'm new here guys. I've been hacking ACCF for months now, and i would like to use this site as a way of collaborating on custom town / NPC / Item design. (Yes I design my own DLC for me only!) I also have a youtube account where I will soon be posting ACCF / Wii in general / iPod hacking videos. i'm on wii version 4.3u and I made a video for people who want to update there wii and start homebrew hacking again.
not sure how strict/what exactly they're strict about, but I'd keep the hacking bit on the down low, or at least not overly showy about it :p

I could care less, it's your game, and so long as you aren't conning people it's all good, but I think there's a rule somewhere about talk of hacks or such. just a heads up.

and welcome to all. lol @ this intro thread having three new people posting intros in it :p
Eh, i use it to help other people who need items. Unless i can obtain it normally which i usually can. i rarely have any active codes though. usually like once or twice every three or four months, and i never use them other than practical jokes. I also realize now that the link i clicked was the wrong one and it led me to this thread.
They are legit In-game items though, other than nintendo dlc
Nookster10 said:
OK,guys stay on Topic,I need to know how to lock a Thread. :D
Only staff can lock threads, unless its a poll.

As for the hacking, no hacking discussion is allowed on the forum, if it continues the member(s) who are discussing it will be warned.