hello from babetown, USA


smelly lesbian from babetown
Sep 10, 2024
hi my name is morgan and i'm recently getting really into animal crossing again, specifically wild world! i also really like forums for talking about stuff online over something like social media or discord, so i wanna start posting here and maybe make a thread about my wild world town, babetown (i was gonna name it shawtytropolis but wild world character limit sobbb)
Hello and welcome! Love the name of your town! Do you have any favorite villagers?
Hello and welcome! Love the name of your town! Do you have any favorite villagers?
hi! currently my favorites are probably rosie, nan, and gaston. nan and gaston have some serious romantic tension that the other villagers have even commented on
Welcome to the forums! 🎉

I've never played Wild World, but if you make a diary thread about your island, I'd love to take a look! Have you played any other AC games? Is WW your favourite? 😊
Welcome to the forums! I can't wait to see your threads about the your Wild World town. also, shawtytropolis sounds freaking hilarious I love it.