I've been using TBT and AC World as resources for a while, but now have decided to make an account here. Hello!
I became a casual Animal Crossing fan about two years ago (when I got New Leaf), but now I've clocked 400+ hours into New Horizons and spend most of my non-gaming (and non-working) hours looking up Animal Crossing info or drawing fan art. My #1 snack buddy is Filbert, who was one of my original New Leaf villagers and also one of the first Nook Miles islanders I encountered in New Horizons. I love lazy villagers in general and can relate to their lifestyles of eating, sleeping, and otherwise relaxing. The villager that grew on me the most is Dom, and I can't get enough of his silly expressions.
Anyway, hello, and thanks for having me! And optional questions: who are your favorite villagers, and have any of your favorites followed you throughout the series?
I became a casual Animal Crossing fan about two years ago (when I got New Leaf), but now I've clocked 400+ hours into New Horizons and spend most of my non-gaming (and non-working) hours looking up Animal Crossing info or drawing fan art. My #1 snack buddy is Filbert, who was one of my original New Leaf villagers and also one of the first Nook Miles islanders I encountered in New Horizons. I love lazy villagers in general and can relate to their lifestyles of eating, sleeping, and otherwise relaxing. The villager that grew on me the most is Dom, and I can't get enough of his silly expressions.
Anyway, hello, and thanks for having me! And optional questions: who are your favorite villagers, and have any of your favorites followed you throughout the series?