Hello from Tunaverse!


Filbert's Snack Buddy
May 5, 2020
I've been using TBT and AC World as resources for a while, but now have decided to make an account here. Hello!

I became a casual Animal Crossing fan about two years ago (when I got New Leaf), but now I've clocked 400+ hours into New Horizons and spend most of my non-gaming (and non-working) hours looking up Animal Crossing info or drawing fan art. My #1 snack buddy is Filbert, who was one of my original New Leaf villagers and also one of the first Nook Miles islanders I encountered in New Horizons. I love lazy villagers in general and can relate to their lifestyles of eating, sleeping, and otherwise relaxing. The villager that grew on me the most is Dom, and I can't get enough of his silly expressions.

Anyway, hello, and thanks for having me! And optional questions: who are your favorite villagers, and have any of your favorites followed you throughout the series?
sup big tuna, welcome to Dunder-- er I mean, TBT forums!
Hiya Tuna! Welcome to TBT c:

I find Dom absolutely adorable ☺️ He’s a fluffy jock. My favorite villager is Ankha and Lolly. I’ve had Ankha since City Folk and she’s extremely sentimental to me!
Welcome to TBT! I’m glad to see someone else who loves Filbert! He is so underrated. He’s been my favorite since I got him in New Leaf. I hope you enjoy your time here!
sup big tuna, welcome to Dunder-- er I mean, TBT forums!
Haha, thank you so much!

Welcome to TBT, Tuna! :)
Thank you!!

Hiya Tuna! Welcome to TBT c:

I find Dom absolutely adorable ☺ He’s a fluffy jock. My favorite villager is Ankha and Lolly. I’ve had Ankha since City Folk and she’s extremely sentimental to me!
Awww, that's so sweet! Glad Ankha has followed you all the way to New Horizons!

Welcome to TBT! I’m glad to see someone else who loves Filbert! He is so underrated. He’s been my favorite since I got him in New Leaf. I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hooray, a fellow Filbert friend! I'm surprised he isn't more popular, but I think he might be fairly popular in Japan. Thanks for the welcome!