Hello, la baa!


Junior Member
Oct 12, 2015
Hello everyone!
My name is Halley. My favorite character is Chevre if it wasn't obvious. :)
I bought my first copy of Animal Crossing New Leaf in February this year. Unfortunately, in July my family and I lost our home in a tornado. It happened so fast. One minute I was playing the game on my 3DS. The storm picked up and it started pouring. I walked back toward my room to unplug my laptop. I was holding my 3DS, the game was still going, then WHOOSH! We were flipped. Luckily, my computer survived, and my 3DS, but my game was lost as were many other things. Luckily, we all survived :)
The only reason I included this in my introduction is because I had Chevre in my previous town. I miss her so much :(
Who are your favorite characters? I hope to make many friends here! ^_^
Hey, and welcome to TBT! Chevre is a very cute villager, but i'd have to say my favorite is Moe!
Hope you enjoy TBT!
Hello! Thanks for replying and the welcome :)
I had Moe as a villager in my new copy! He's very cute :) He moved away though :(
Whoa that's a wild introduction o_O' glad no one was hurt! also Welcome!! :D
My favourite villager is probably Phoebe, closely followed by Mira!
Welcome To The Forums!
My Favourite Villager Is O'Hare because O'Hare is my baeee
allo allo welcome fellow newbie I'm v/ sorry to hear about the storm thing! hopefully you get chevre again! she's a s00per cutie patootie so I can see why you like her! personally I like groucho a lot along w/ pango and a few others cos I can't decide on just one fav lmao -- hope ye have fun here ;D
Hai~! Welcome :D tornadoes are terrifying. So sorry to hear about what happened but glad to hear its all good!~ If you have any questions everyone here is very welcoming.
My favorite villager is either Kyle or Punchy.. Or Rudy. XD I love the cat and wolf villagers very much ^-^ Chevre is indeed adorable~
Helllooo I'm new here as well! Oh gosh Chevre is one of my favorites too! I had her on my AC gamecube world and I was super good friends with her, and then suddenly she just disappeared. Like poof. She didn't even send a letter about leaving like they generally do ;A; . It's so difficult to choose a top favorite for me though-- I would probably have to say Tangy just because nostalgia, when I was little I was obsessed with her haha.
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Hello, and I'm glad to hear you're okay! Wow, that sounds scary. I clicked your thread because I saw la baa and though, oh, Chevre! Hahaha, she's now one of my favorites too. I just restarted into a new town myself, and Chevre is one of my new villagers here. I love her so much, she is so cute! I love goats and I love her sweet personality and adorable design.

I actually changed her little verbal tick though, ehehe. I just tweaked it a bit, so now she says lala baaa. I think it's a bit cuter, a bit more musical, and also sounds like 'lullaby'.

I hope that you can get Chevre back some day, in whatever new town you start! I'm also trying to get back my favorite villager that I lost in my last town. Chevre is now my second favorite, haha.

<3 ali