Hi i'm Kiry!
I just joined TBT forums after lurking for a few days, figured it was time. x3 I don't havemany a lot okay like two friends that play AC:NL so i thought maybe coming over here and making some more friends would be a good idea!
Some rad facts abt me!
idk, i'm terrible at introductions, how'd i do? Cx
I just joined TBT forums after lurking for a few days, figured it was time. x3 I don't have
Some rad facts abt me!
- Mass Effect is my favorite game series. It's also the one that can make me yell the most about story decisions (i'm looking at you Starkid and red light, blue light, green light).
- The amount of Wonder Woman shirts i have is kind of hilarious and i should probably buy something from a different fandom someday.
- I used to live in Southern California, but now i live in Southern Alabama. This is not only the worst culture shock ever (instead of a Starbucks on every corner, it's a church), but also unless cotton figures out how to streetpass, my HH Showcase is gonna stay preeeetty bare lmao.
idk, i'm terrible at introductions, how'd i do? Cx
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