

Amnesiac Mayor
Sep 16, 2015
Winter Mittens
Er, hi everyone! I just recently found out about this site, and really liked it. I've got many answers to questions I've had that I hadn't been able to find before, was impressed by so many of the nice people here, and the great discussions you guys have and decided I'd like to be a part of this community as well.

I'm a really big Animal Crossing fan, however I've only played NL and I stare in awe at all the players who've been able to play all the games throughout the series so compared to them I'm pretty much a newb at this! xD
Also play SSB4 and a die-hard Pokemon fan.

Don't have much to say after this, um... I hope I can contribute to such a great place!
Hey! So great to have members who are as enthusiastic as you!!

You seem to have a lot in common with the people in the community so you will fit in great! Ye have fun!
Welcome, Blu-chu!

I went out of my way to find pokemon qr codes for my ACNL game.