Hello :)

Donna Noble

Junior Member
Jun 13, 2010
Heyaa :) I'm Donna Noble. And I don't rememebr anything....

Anyway,, I'm half Time Lord half human :D

Ok, ok I'm not really. I'm a normal English girl who thinks that Donna was the best companion ever.

And I'm a Doctor Who freak. Apart from all that I love purple and I have a bubbly personality. I'm also quite good at drawing ;)

Thanks for reading :)

Donna Noble said:
Heyaa :) I'm Donna Noble. And I don't rememebr anything....

Anyway,, I'm half Time Lord half human :D

Ok, ok I'm not really. I'm a normal English girl who thinks that Donna was the best companion ever.

And I'm a Doctor Who freak. Apart from all that I love purple and I have a bubbly personality. I'm also quite good at drawing ;)

Thanks for reading :)

Yay, another companion!!(we Already have Pond.) Only 42 companions left.

Anyway, welcome, I'm not really The Doctor, but a girl can dream.
Ace :D

Can I ask two things?
Why does it say grass under my username and can I change it?

How do I upload my avatar?
Donna Noble said:
Ace :D

Can I ask two things?
Why does it say grass under my username and can I change it?

How do I upload my avatar?
It calls you grass cause of your amount of posts. You can change it by going to "Edit profile". And you can change your avatar by going to "Edit avatar" in profile options. :p
I enjoy purple too :}

Also, if you're a good drawer, I've been looking for someone to draw my ACCF character