Helloooo! ✿


whatever. Go my scarab ▯
Jul 29, 2024
Throwback Tickets
Hii, i'm new here!

I restarted my island just a couple days ago with the intent to commit to it this time, i've always loved new leaf but just couldn't seem to get into new horizons... So this time i picked the southern hemisphere to change things up a little bit from new leaf, and so far i'm having fun and i'm really motivated to make my island the prettiest :oD
I lovelovelove fishing, and new horizon's beautiful museum was a big part of what motivated me to give the game another try, i really want to see that fish section completed someday. I love fish, i think they're really cute and silly :o3 I really like learning about them, so if anyone happens to have some fun fish facts to share i'm all ears!

My island's name is Mele-Mele (like Melemele island from pokemon sun and moon!) and my native fruit is cherries.

My name is Gamzee or Tili but you can call me by my username or any fun nicknames! I'm 18 years old, a pisces ♓︎ (go figure why i like fish so much :oP) and french, bonjour! I also like to draw sometimes and i really hope in the future i can live off of my art... maybe someday!

Have a good day
Hello, welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy it here! What other Pokémon do you like?
Hello and welcome! I love the fish too-- I just finished that part of the museum. Who's your favorite villager?
Welcome to the forums!! 😊 I'm a big fish fan as well, I also have a thread on here where I'm very slowly drawing all of the fish in the ac encyclopedia! In terms of facts hmm, there are also a lot of smaller fish that don't have scales, including the leatherjackets found in more southern areas of Australia! Leatherjackets also have a retractable dorsal spine which looks like a unicorn horn. I really want to research more fish when I'm not so busy with study.

Looking forward to seeing your island!
Welcome to the forums! ☺️ I hope you have lots of fun here! Good luck with your new island - I hope you're able to complete your fish exhibit one day! Do you have any theme(s) in mind for how you want to decorate your island?

Have you ever owned any fishes? Do you have a favourite fish? 🐟
Welcome to the forums, Gamzee! New Horizon's museum is simply the best and I love it a lot. It looks and is just so beautiful. Is there a villager you can rant about your dislike of them for days?
Thanks everybody for the welcome messages! I can't wait to visit the rest of the forum, everyone here seems super nice!!

Hello, welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy it here! What other Pokémon do you like?
There's a lot of pokemon i really like, but i think my most favorites are mime jr, blacephalon and silvally! In general i really like alolan pokemon, as well as ultra beasts and poison types :oD

Hello and welcome! I love the fish too-- I just finished that part of the museum. Who's your favorite villager?
Rasher and Bob! Congrats on the museum :o0

Welcome to the forums!! 😊 I'm a big fish fan as well, I also have a thread on here where I'm very slowly drawing all of the fish in the ac encyclopedia! In terms of facts hmm, there are also a lot of smaller fish that don't have scales, including the leatherjackets found in more southern areas of Australia! Leatherjackets also have a retractable dorsal spine which looks like a unicorn horn. I really want to research more fish when I'm not so busy with study.

Looking forward to seeing your island!
Ohh that's a really cool project, i'll go see your thread! Thanks for the fishfact, i looked up the leatherjackets, they look very cute :o) I also want to start learning more about fish because i find it very fun.

Welcome to the forums! ☺️ I hope you have lots of fun here! Good luck with your new island - I hope you're able to complete your fish exhibit one day! Do you have any theme(s) in mind for how you want to decorate your island?

Have you ever owned any fishes? Do you have a favourite fish? 🐟
I had a few goldfish as a kid, and i really like clownfishes and carps. I don't know how i'll decorate my island yet, maybe i'll find some inspiration here!!

Welcome to the forums, Gamzee! New Horizon's museum is simply the best and I love it a lot. It looks and is just so beautiful. Is there a villager you can rant about your dislike of them for days?
Thankfully none of them have wronged me like that yet... So no, peace and love on Mele-Mele island 🫶