So.. I wasn't playing TrackMania for over 3 years and when I decided to play again, I wanted to join a team to not be alone..
smart me wanted to join one of the best teams of course.. so I had to make a test and I wasn't driving good enough, but
luckily they were friendly with me (probably 'cause I'm a girl in a game full of boys.. xD) and everyone accepted me..
except my now-boyfriend.. he didn't wanted me in the team, since I wasn't good enough.
But since it was 3 against 1 I got accepted.
I was never talking to them, because I was too shy (1 girl, 20 boys ~o~).
One day my now-boyfriend was asking if someone knows how to code a manialink (it's like a ingame-website)
and since I had nothing to do I acted like I know how to do it, while I had no clue lol.
Well, we started to talk and one day I was playing alone on a Server and he decided to join me,
asking why I wanted to join the team if I don't talk or be even good. So I told him that I just wanted to find new
friends, since I didn't had any in school, so I was basically alone. Then he said he knows that feeling and we started
to talk more and more and after 1 week (ye, that was fast xD) we decided we want to see each other.
Problem: He lives in France (North), me in Germany (South) and he didn't had any job at this time, because it's super
hard to get one in France apparently. However, his mother stepped in and gave him money for the trip to Germany.
He was lying about my age tho, because at this time he was 20 and I was 17 (he said I'm 18, so not too bad).
The worst part was, I had to lie to my parents, since they would've never allowed me to see and especially spend
the night with a random guy from France. So I told them that I would sleep at a girls home, what was quite suspicious,
since I never had any friends xD However, my Mom accepted while she secretly knew there's something off..
well, he was 1 week there then, we met the first time after knowing each other only 2 week (or maybe 3).
I went back for an hour to my parents to tell them the truth and my Dad was like "No, you don't go back to him!!"
but luckily my Mom said "It worked well the first 2 nights, why shouldn't she go back. But before he goes back to
France he better comes visit us!" So.. he met my parents the first time on easter and they really really liked him.
It was funny to see how especially my Mom tried to communicate with him, since he only speaks french and english
and my Mom nor my Dad can speak english, just german.
However, after he went back my heart was broken, but I saw him again after 3 month for 3 weeks.
In this time my Mom left my Dad after ~25 years of marriage (she cheated on him --") and this was the point that
I decided to live with my boyfriend in France. His Mother accepted only, if he finds a job.
My now-boyfriend searched day and night for jobs, that was so cute :b
He got super lucky and got a job at SNCF (train) and one day after my 18th birthday I started my life in France.
Travelling with 3 guinea pigs in a train isn't fun, especially if you have a old, grumpy guy next to you who complains
that your bag is 1cm over your seat -_-
However.. we are now living since 2 years and 10 months together, while we are "only" 3 years and 2 month together :b
That turned out long, woops x)