Pokémon Help me choose my fire pokemon!

Which Fire pokemon?

  • Arcanine

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • Magmortar

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • Ninetales (normal)

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • Volcanion

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • Groudon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charizard

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Talonflame

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • Ho-oh

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • Other (comment)

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters


May 17, 2015
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
Tasty Cake
Red Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
Ancient Candle
Yellow Candy
August Birthstone (Peridot)
I was trying to find something that would path up weaknesses, which would mean grass, but obvs there are no grass pokemon. So I did my best. Feel free to leave any suggestions that aren't here.
Typhlosion ofc.

Volcarona from Gen 5 is a really op non legendary pokemon. The only downsides are that it only learns a new move naturally every 10 levels, but if you can get a good nature and IV Larvesta, and have the time to level it up, grass types will basically be gone.
Volcarona is a very good Fire/Bug type (also it looks cool!)
I like Talonflame. I use one in Pok?mon X. They are pretty fast and I also like their Pok?mon cry. ;) Though Charizard has a couple of fun mega evolutions and he is a cool dragon.
Many of those are legitimate choices. Ninetales, Arcanine, Magmortar and Charizard are all good performers. Talonflame was nerfed a bit but that is still a good option if you fancy flying coverage. My suggestion is consider your current team and what other types you need coverage on. For instance, if you only have one dragon user you can opt for charizard and use dragon claw.

Volcarona is quite good too although bug moves are resisted by way too many types, and this typing gives it x4 weakness to rocks as well as x2 weakness to flying. Not ideal. Still, its fast, so many players find great uses for it.
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To agree with some others, I believe that volcarona is always a fun choice! Despite the high level it evolves at and the level distance between each move it learns, it is quite a powerful non-legendary pokemon. The bug typing may set you up to get completely destroyed if a rock type comes in though because of the x4 weakness as well as the x2 flying weakness >~< and a lot of type resists bug... But that ain't important! You wanted a strong fire type and that is what volcarona is! Talonflame was going to be another suggestion of mine, but it got nerfed a lot in sun and moon. It's still a decent choice of course, just not as amazing as it once was.

Groudon has 4X weakness to Water, which isn't good at all, and not the best speed

Arcanine isn't bad but it's movepool is garbage, I used one in White2 and its only good move was Flare Blitz, and it would always lose too much HP from recoil

Magmortar isn't too bad either, has pretty good Special Attack, but garbage defense

Charizard, Ho-Oh, and Talonflame both have 4X weakness to Rock which is bad

NINETALES has pretty decent Special Attack and Speed and Special Defense, and has a huge movepool with moves like Flamethrower, Energy Ball, Solar Beam, Psychic, Psyshock , Dark Pulse, etc. and also has the lowest amount of weaknesses out of those choices
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Groudon has 4X weakness to Water, which isn't good at all, and not the best speed

Arcanine isn't bad but it's movepool is garbage, I used one in White2 and its only good move was Flare Blitz, and it would always lose too much HP from recoil

Magmortar isn't too bad either, has pretty good Special Attack, but garbage defense

Charizard, Ho-Oh, and Talonflame both have 4X weakness to Rock which is bad

NINETALES has pretty decent Special Attack and Speed and Special Defense, and has a huge movepool with moves like Flamethrower, Energy Ball, Solar Beam, Psychic, Psyshock , Dark Pulse, etc. and also has the lowest amount of weaknesses out of those choices

Rocks KO ninetales quite easily because of its low defense, so its much for a muchness really.

Arcanine has a very good movepool but I think it is mostly breeding and tutor moves.
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