I was trying to find something that would path up weaknesses, which would mean grass, but obvs there are no grass pokemon. So I did my best. Feel free to leave any suggestions that aren't here.
Typhlosion ofc.
Groudon has 4X weakness to Water, which isn't good at all, and not the best speed
Arcanine isn't bad but it's movepool is garbage, I used one in White2 and its only good move was Flare Blitz, and it would always lose too much HP from recoil
Magmortar isn't too bad either, has pretty good Special Attack, but garbage defense
Charizard, Ho-Oh, and Talonflame both have 4X weakness to Rock which is bad
NINETALES has pretty decent Special Attack and Speed and Special Defense, and has a huge movepool with moves like Flamethrower, Energy Ball, Solar Beam, Psychic, Psyshock , Dark Pulse, etc. and also has the lowest amount of weaknesses out of those choices