Giveaway help me get rid of my hybrids!!!


Senior Member
Feb 9, 2014
100% (79) +
i have too many and im drowning help! im giving away just about every kind of hybrid except for blue and gold roses. i couldnt possibly count all of them, transferring them to my beach was too much as it is. so! rules are

just contact me and we can figure out when you can come to my island (i am awake only sporadically because insomnia so we'll have to figure out a time!). you can come and take a full inventory's worth. please only take from the beaches! if you could leave a tip of igb id really appreciate it but i wont require it!

Hi! But how can we take the flowers if we can't (I think) use the shovel?
I'm interested, then! I have almost no hybrids on my island (I restarted few days ago, that's why) :blush:
hi ! (i have the same question as the one before me T^T; never traded flowers n such) id like to come over and grab some !! im way too preoccupied to go through breeding my own
i have too many and im drowning help! im giving away just about every kind of hybrid except for blue and gold roses. i couldnt possibly count all of them, transferring them to my beach was too much as it is. so! rules are

just contact me and we can figure out when you can come to my island (i am awake only sporadically because insomnia so we'll have to figure out a time!). you can come and take a full inventory's worth. please only take from the beaches! if you could leave a tip of igb id really appreciate it but i wont require it!

I'd be happy to tip generously in IGB for all your pink tulips, pink hyacinths, orange hyacinths and blue hyacinths 💖
Hi! But how can we take the flowers if we can't (I think) use the shovel?
I'm interested, then! I have almost no hybrids on my island (I restarted few days ago, that's why) :blush:
hi ! (i have the same question as the one before me T^T; never traded flowers n such) id like to come over and grab some !! im way too preoccupied to go through breeding my own
hey! so i would add you both on my switch and add you as best friends so that you could use shovels on my island!
so i have mostly black and orange hybrids left over but someones gotta want em!
i have unfortunately refreshed my collection. i have too many please save me