excellenti shall gather a team of expert filmers (i.e. my friends who can barely take a half-decent pic) to film every second of it

excellenti shall gather a team of expert filmers (i.e. my friends who can barely take a half-decent pic) to film every second of it
blasphemy!!!! my love for satoshi is as pure as the palest turnips, bathed in moonlight and nightmares !!!!!!!!!!!What if this is a plot to take over the forum? I.e. you kill satoshi in his sleep and since you’re named in the will for being his spouse…
gasp!!! then they were wed to the wrong person!!!!!! we must save @Satoshi Suzuki!!!! i am their one true love!!!!I was gonna say yes... But I see now there is a few fighting for his hand in marriage... what if he is already married????
We love conspiracieso shoot another conspiracy perhaps?? what is this forum coming to??
do NOT kill your turnips or lord satoshi!!!!!!if i can’t have satoshi then no one should
as a self proclaimed satoshi simp, im doing what must be donedo NOT kill your turnips or lord satoshi!!!!!!
this is not what satoshi would want!!!!! you will RIP them away from the ever-growing turnip empire!!!as a self proclaimed satoshi simp, im doing what must be donesatoshi is too pure for this world