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"Help! My Wife Won't Stop Playing Animal Crossing."


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Nov 7, 2004
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The plea appeared on Yahoo! Japan's Q&A section. It began: "My wife won't return from Animal Crossing."

The latest AC game, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, was recently released in Japan. The Animal Crossing games are hugely popular in Japan.

According to the husband, after his wife downloaded her copy of New Leaf in the middle of the night, she woke up early and started playing. "She kept playing while I made breakfast and got ready for work," the husband wrote. "She kept playing, barely replying to me, because she was in a gaming haze."

That same day, his wife kept on playing Animal Crossing and kept on ignoring her husband.

"I think because my wife loves this game, this cannot be helped, but if the situation continues, it'll be rough," the husband wrote, before asking two, somewhat adorable, questions: "When does this game end? How long does it take to clear it?"

"I want my wife to return to normal ASAP," he ended his plea.

The commenters in the Yahoo! Japan Q&A section had to break the news that, well, Animal Crossing games do not end. They. Just. Keep. Going.

Some of the replies pointed out that the wife's Animal Crossing play will probably decrease over time as she tires of the game. Others advised the husband to take up the game with his wife or make a rule about how long she can play each day. One individual even recommended that the husband get eyedrops for his wife!

These are just some of the two hundred or so replies to this question. What about you? What words of wisdom do you have for this guy?


Sounds like something I'd do :c

Sorry friends and family...in advance...for ignoring you for countless hours, days <3
"The commenters in the Yahoo! Japan Q&A section had to break the news that, well, Animal Crossing games do not end. They. Just. Keep. Going."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg that' hilarious hahaehehhaoheaoheoaho

anyway, this reminds me a few years back when my friends mom got addicted to bejewled and she took 3 days off work just to play
"The commenters in the Yahoo! Japan Q&A section had to break the news that, well, Animal Crossing games do not end. They. Just. Keep. Going."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg that' hilarious hahaehehhaoheaoheoaho

anyway, this reminds me a few years back when my friends mom got addicted to bejewled and she took 3 days off work just to play

Bejeweled? Animal Crossing?

I see education dripping down
That "husband" should just download a copy himself, haha!
She'll end up getting bored if she sticks to that routine.

On his part though, he should just ask her to take a break for a bit.
If I were the husband I'd probably take up the game with my wife.
LOL I know how addictive AC can be, but I can't shirk my duties and my family to play it THAT much!! That's crazy! And hilarious! Poor guy!!!
Lol, play the game in multiplayer, add each other as 'Best Friends' and I'm sure she will reply to you.
Once I played a game for six hours straight. It certainly wasn't to the extent that I ignored anybody that tried to talk to me. Within a few days, I got tired of it though. I hope that guy's wife gets bored with the game, the poor guy. xD
Once I played a game for six hours straight. It certainly wasn't to the extent that I ignored anybody that tried to talk to me. Within a few days, I got tired of it though. I hope that guy's wife gets bored with the game, the poor guy. xD

Lol, you think six hours is long? I've played video games for entire days... About sixteen hours straight, for me. I have a bit of an obsessive personality, I guess. xD