HELP (not ac related at all but still help pls)


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Jul 29, 2020
Tasty Cake
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Tasty Cake
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I just read somewhere that ankle popping can = B a d

but my ankles do pop... my right one when I twist it up and to the right, not every time but i'd say 2 or 3 out of 10 times

my left one not so much, usually just sorta c r u n c h e s it's weird.

I do ballet so if my ankles be fricked than my life be fricked -

yeah sorry if posts like this aren't allowed but i just needed advice from people who maaaaayybee can help me cuz my mom definitely ain't a doc -
hmm... I mean if it does it at all and it's actually affecting you then yes you definitely need to see a doctor. I think you should go see one just in case. you don't want it to turn into something bad and possibly irreversible.
hmm... I mean if it does it at all and it's actually affecting you then yes you definitely need to see a doctor. I think you should go see one just in case. you don't want it to turn into something bad and possibly irreversible.
thanks dude... i'll see what i can do... and im glad someone responded ur awesome haha :p
no problem! I'm kinda surprised that no one else answered tbh
yeah :unsure: does no one care that my entire future may be fricked-- no im jk jk
this is kinda worrying me tho 😅 i fear i may have damaged my feet in the past that may screw my future as well but i try not to think ab it - im gonna ask my mom ab seeing the doc and maybe he could tell me if my feet are ok or not. this gives me legitimate anxiety every day and tbh i don't have anyone to talk to ab it... heh not gonna go into my life story but again ur awesome bro 😂😂😄
yeah :unsure: does no one care that my entire future may be fricked-- no im jk jk
this is kinda worrying me tho 😅 i fear i may have damaged my feet in the past that may screw my future as well but i try not to think ab it - im gonna ask my mom ab seeing the doc and maybe he could tell me if my feet are ok or not. this gives me legitimate anxiety every day and tbh i don't have anyone to talk to ab it... heh not gonna go into my life story but again ur awesome bro 😂😂😄
yeah definitely have it checked out! I had a major injury almost 3 years ago that probably wouldn't have turned out the way it did if I had thought of going to the doctor after I fell on my knee. if you suspect something is wrong it's best to not let it go, especially if it seems like a major issue to you. hopefully you get better soon! <3